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"help please!" Tom cried out pushing with all his fake-might against the collapsing 'concrete' building around him.

"please help!" he called again, actually crying this time, feeling all of his pent up emotions seeping out into his acting. he screamed and cried pushing against the materials above him making it look like he was really struggling, when really the only thing he was struggling to do was calm down. 

he felt his anxiety rise slightly as the director yelled cut and he still couldn't dampen down his sobs. at this moment he realised exactly what he was crying for.

it was Danny's birthday.
he forgot it was Danny's birthday.

the realisation hit him like a tonne of bricks and he collapsed down onto his knees, the fake concrete actually falling onto him but being so light that it bounced off of his shoulder. the sobs racked his body as he felt the grief hit him full force, not only not being able to see Danny ever again but also not being their for Emily who was having her first ever birthday alone. 

Marisa, noticing the distress the boy was in as she was passing through set, ran over and hugged the boy tight pulling him to her. 

"what's the matter sweetheart?" 

"i forgot... it's his birthday and i-" he sobbed again hugging into Marisa tighter needing the comfort to drown the pain.

"shh sweet, i'm sure he'll forgive you." 

"he's dead..." 

"oh honey..." 

Marisa moved the two of them at that point moving the distraught boy into the privacy of his trailer instead of letting him breakdown in the middle of the set. she stayed with him most of the evening, helping the boy calm down by letting him laugh over her inability to use a British kettle, and laughing with him over how silly she was being, when he felt more comfortable, he began to tell her stories all about the boy he was best friends with and she stayed there and listened - offering the odd tissue here and there and a hug when he started to cry again. 

it was a tough day for him, he struggled to go back out to work and record the rest of his scenes, forgetting multiple lines and cues, making him feel guiltier for making everyone even further behind than they already were cause he had nearly five weeks off when he was meant to have three. 

but he kept going, he fought through the grief for the day, knowing Danny would want him to keep going.

but as soon as he got back to his trailer at the end of his final shoot of the day, he saw a ginger cat crossing in front of his trailer - Danny's favourite animal - setting him off again.

and if he cried himself to sleep in the early hours of the morning, that's his business. 

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐲 - 𝐓 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now