The fattening

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Lucy slowly woke up the first thing she noticed was that her shirt and tights felt tighter she glanced about the the room and saw the doctor looking at her with an evil smile "well don't say I didn't warn you that there would be side effects" he said menacingly Lucy looked at her arms and noticed they seemed to be fatter then looking at her hands her fingers now looked like sausages she then wiggled her arms about and to her shock her new fat arms jiggled she then looked down at her stomach which was now about 3 times bigger than it was before the jab Lucy let out a sharp scream "no no no this can't be real" she stood up and her entire body giggled she went to look in the mirror and couldn't help but start crying her thighs where now fatter rubbing against one another her shirt that once fit her now looked like it was a size or 3 to small for her as her plump belly plopped out she touched her belly and it jiggled she lifted her small top up to reveal the rest of her belly it was covered in stretch marks and so where her thighs and every time she moved her big belly shook
"What have you done to me" Lucy screamed pulling her shirt back down "my life is ruined" Lucy's mum burst into the room and went over to comfort Lucy and gave her a hug the doctor asked Lucy to step on the scale and she reluctantly did the digital screen displayed a number 20 stone "oh my god I've gained 11 stone you have ruined me"
"It's okay baby wait outside"
Lucy shuffled out the room and plopped her self down on a small chair a couple of minutes later Lucy's mum walked out the room and she was also now a whale followed by the doctor "your mother was 19 stone before the jab but now" the doctor said with an evil smile "29 stone"
The two large girls walked out the pharmacy with the doctor saying "first day of every month remember!"

The Two waddled to there car and Lucy's mum just managed to squeeze and sit in the car and also the front door of the house she had to so step sideways through the door just to get in.
When In the house Lucy immediately went to her room and observed herself in the new mirror "I'm ruined school is going to be hell I can try loosing weight but we have to get the jab every month I might just skip school I'm the same size as my mum before she has the jab hmm at least my tits and ass are bigger but that's the only good thing I'm such a fat cow ugh!"

Lucy slumped into her bed wishing for this hole thing to be a nightmare Lucy new her friends would neglect her and that she would be bullied more and more every month Lucy lay in bed only wearing a bra that just barley covered her nippels and her panties that where no extremely tight she looked at her belly disappointed that it would only get bigger and bigger luckily for her tomorrow was Saturday so she had time to go shopping for new clothes Lucy's mum came up to check on her she was so giant she was wearing a beedsheet as nothing else in the house fit her extremely large body "goodnight sweetie" she waddled over to Lucy and bent over to give Lucy a kiss but struggled to bend over "I know this situation isn't the best you can borrow my old clothes for cheer practice tomorrow"
"mum I'm not going to cheer practice are you crazy"
"Well I figured you would want to at least try to loose weight"
"Yes mum I'll go to the gym tomorrow but there's really no point Cus I'll gain weight back at the end of every month"
"Mmm I suppose your right oh well we can discuss this tomorrow goodnight "
"Night mum"
Lucy pulled covers over her chubby body and quickly fell asleep.

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