My boyfriend wasn't in the best of moods today either, if the short hug and kiss he'd given me as he walked through the door and the fact he was physically avoiding me like I had the plague were anything to go off of, I'd say he was having a bad day.

"You gonna tell me what's wrong?", I eyed him carefully, the gap he'd created feeling all the more prominent, "Ezra".

"I'm fine darlin'", he kept his gaze on the tv, "nothing you need to worry about".

"So there is something?", I leaned forwards slightly, "I've been through just about everything these past few weeks, what's one more thing?".

"One more thing", he muttered, "is that what this is? Just another thing to chuck onto the list?". What was up with him?

"What is going on?", I stared at his bouncing leg, his trembling chin and the way he was fighting not to make eye contact with me, "hey, talk to me". His eyes finally met mine and I jumped into action when he started crying, judging by the fact he'd been apprehensive to touch me since he arrived I settled on just running a hand up and down his back.

"I'm sorry darlin'", he inhaled slowly, "shit, I didn't mean to take it out on you- I just, today's not a good day for me".

"It's okay, you don't need to apologise to me Ezra", I promised, "you know you can talk to me right?".

"I know, god I know Izzy", I always found it weird when he called me that, "I uh- something happened to me seven years ago today, I don't like talkin' about it". When he was ten?

"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to", I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, "is do with why you don't like being touched?". The look he gave me told me the answer and my heart clenched, it was just bad news after bad news recently.

"I'll give you the brief story - back in Cuba, I was uh, I was kidnapped", what the fuck?, "I was missing for a week, they didn't do anything like...that to me, but uh, I don't like to talk about it".

"It's okay", I told him, "and I'm so sorry that happened to you Ezra- you're so strong".

"Thanks darlin'", a small smile tugged at his lips, "I haven't asked how Xav was today".

"He's doing good, he was definitely listening to me earlier- we think it's only a matter of time now", I grinned, I physically couldn't wait for the day he woke up.

"That's good, really good Izzy", he smiled, "he'll be back to talkin' your ears off in no time".

"I hope so", I leaned into his side and sighed, we needed him back.


He was definitely waking up today.

Sure only 24 hours had passed, but in that small amount of time he'd been stirring more than ever; even opening his eyes and mumbling incoherent stuff under his breath. We were all gathered around him today, even Caleb had made it - I knew today was the day.

"Fifteen days", Xander muttered, running a hand up and down his twin's arm, "we haven't heard his voice in fifteen days".

"He'll wake up today, his lucky number's fucking fifteen", Cay smirked, "he's probably waiting to make some dramatic entrance". I cracked a smile at that, the kid was one for dramatic entrances.

"Or ask for some popcorn", Izzy chuckled and I smiled, turning my attention to Zane. He'd been almost as bad as Xander. He'd barely spoken, only really moved to shower and eat, or sort out his meds - apart from that he'd stayed put, just staring at our brother.

Who knows what was going through his head.

"Has anyone spoken to Jake and Parker?", Xander asked; Xav's best friends had visited every other day without fail, they sure cared about him.

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