chapter 8.

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This chapter is a flashback, I want to write events, that happened before the time where the book started, as flashbacks. Thanks and enjoy reading :)

Shatrughan walled into his chamber. He was completely exhausted and just wanted to sleep. He couldn't even bother to take off his jewellery. After all, today was his first day in court as King regent. He had stood in front of the throne, then was forced to sit on the throne. He did so reluctantly after all, who could disobey their guru?
He came out of his thoughts and turned his head.
He saw his wife. She sat there in front of the mirror; sad and gloomy but still sat with a little twinkle in her eyes. She had also been there in court. As queen regent.
Shatrughan and her chamber had been filled with silence.
For once, she had realised how sad their chamber became. It was silent. She had realised that her husband rarely smiled. Before her marriage, when she first got to know the rajkumar, she had thought of him as immature, and mischievous. She disliked that behaviour but soon found herself falling in love with it and the behaviour's owner. She would have never expected to miss that behaviour so much.
The silent was death-threatening. It was killing both of the chamber's owners. It was murderous.
The couple didn't know why they were silent. They didn't know why they were not speaking.
The Rajkumar had finally decided to kill this murderous silence and speak
"How was your day"
Shrutkirti looked at her husband and smiled- although fake-. She was there with him all day, until after dinner where he had went to see the mothers and she had decided to go retire to the chamber.
"Just like your day went arya"
Shatrughan was tired. But he hated the feelings in him right now. He wanted to speak to her about how he felt. He wanted to cry. But what would Kirti think of him? He had already cried to her, what would she think of him if he did it again? Wouldn't it look really foolish?
"I know how you feel, if you want to speak to me, you can, I don't mind. And it won't be foolish, speaking about your feelings is not and will never be foolish, swami"
Shatrughan turned to his ardhangini. He had forgotten how she could read his face and mind. He fell in love with her again. He looked at her and saw her eyes. They matched the ones that his mother had. Wise. Wise eyes. He saw how they had changed in the last week. From innocently, mature eyes to wise, mature eyes. She had changed. So had he.
" I am tired"
"I can tell"
"I dont want to take off my jewellery but I have to."
"What a dilemma"
" tell me about it"
" well, great way of indirectly asking me to take them off for you"
" well, do you want to?"
"Anything for you, naath"
She sits him down on the chair she was sitting on a while ago and starts removing his jewellry.
Shtarughan smiles" not you giving new names to me just like bhabhi does to ram bhaiya"
" I have always been told, I am like her"
"I can tell" he says without realising the single tear forming in his left eye.
" why are you sad?"
"I am not sad" he says laughing.
" the tear formed in the left eye and came out from the left eye!"
"That's just a superstition"
"superstitions can be true too you know?"
"I know, I know."
Shrutkirti: well then why are you upset? You still haven't answered my question!
Shatrughan starts to cry: I miss them
Shrutkirti: I do too
Shatrughan: they just left me, forced me to mature. I lost my smile, no, I sold it, to never buy anything like that again. I don't want the smile I had earlier. What's the point? No one thought of me, did they? One fulfilled his father's promise, one followed their brother because of the promise to himself, one left all worldly joys for guilt, somehow they were selfishly selfless, i don't blame them however they all had a choice, I was left without a choice.
Shrutkirti: it's ok.
Shatrughan: I have told you this before, haven't i?
Shrutkirti: when Bhaiya left for Nandigram, you had cried similarly.
Shatrughan; I guess, I cry a lot nowadays with you
Shrutkirti: it's a good thing you know!
Shatrughan; huh?
Shrutkirti: because by telling me that means you trust me with your feelings, you love me enough to tell me what goes on in your heart
Shatrughan: at least you know how I feel
Shrutkirti: of course I would, I am your wife
Shatrughan: you forgot, you are my only wife
Shrutkirti smiles: so, do you want to cry or do you want to sleep?
Shatrughan; what do you think?
Shrutkirti: neither, to be honest
Shatrughan smiles, "sleep?"
Shrutkirti nods her head and pulls her sweetheart to the bed and tucks him in.
Shrutkirti: good night
Shatrughan: good night
They fall asleep

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