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We arrived at the China Tang restaurant at around 7pm and the sun was slowly setting over Victoria Harbour. 

"Wow this looks beautiful" I said

I have never been to this restaurant but I have heard that it is a very nice place. 

"It is, but it's not as beautiful as you" Alex flirted

"Al you're so sweet" I exclaimed blushing

Alexander looked slightly embarrassed so I just kissed him on the cheek. We all walked to the table my mother had booked looking around at the restaurant. 

We sat down and ordered drinks, Alex and I ordered a green tea, my mother ordered a water, jie jie ordered a black tea and my sisters ordered coconut milk. While we waited for our drinks jie jie asked Alexander how the two of us met. 

"We met on the orient express, and we became friends after we solved a murder, we wrote to each other throughout the term following the summer break. We got to know each other better and arranged to meet up with each other at Christmas." Alex responded

By the time Alex had finished explaining how we met our drinks had arrived and it was time to order our food. The food didn't take long and after some small talk, the food arrived and we all eagerly tucked into the spread of rice, noodles, meats, fishes and dumplings. I was happy to see that Ah mah had ordered phoenix talons (chicken's feet) as it is one of my favourite dishes that I only get to eat at home here in Hong Kong. I winked at my little sisters, my mother and jie jie so they new not to say anything and said "Al why don't you try this" I gave him a forkful of chickens feet and he ate it. After he had swallowed he said "Wow that was incredible, what was that Haze?"

I stifled a laugh before responding "Chicken's feet"

Alex just gaped which made my mother, little sisters, jie jie and myself laugh. I kissed Alex on the cheek to bring him back to earth. 

"Well that is not what I thought chicken feet would taste like." Alex stated which made me laugh.

Once we had all finished eating, I took hold of Alex's hand under the the table and squeezed it, it was time. 

"Ah ma, Jie jie, Rose, Mei, Al and I have something to tell you" I started

"Hazel and I are engaged!" Alex finished with a grin.

"Congratulations Ying Ying, congratulations Alexander" my family members chorused

We both blushed and said thanks before we all ordered a desert to celebrate.

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