𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐏𝐄 #𝟎𝟐:

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" so tell me what happened ? " Granger ask. Guinevere pouted as she play with the glass of liquor Granger bought for her.
" you know.. " Guinevere heav a deep sigh. Granger was just staring at her, listening.
" I don't want to marry him " Guinevere utter as she sip in her drink.
" whenever I'm in that mansion. It feels so suffocating. The people around me were always bossing me , telling me to do this , do that , act like this , act like that. I'm tired of saying that ' I'm fine ' that I don't mind if other people decide what's good nor bad for me. And Ling.... " Guinevere stop her rants as she let out a deep sigh..
" I- I am forcing my self to love him but.. I just can't. I don't see my future with him. I just.. don't feel the same way " she continued.

Granger messed her hair.

" do you want me to abduct you in your wedding day? " Granger ask. Guinevere turned her attention to the man.
" c- can you do that ? " Guinevere mutter as she move her face closer to him. Granger can feel his cheeks burning, looking at her emerald orbs. Granger turned his gaze to other direction as he cupped his blushing face.
" o- ofcourse not. I still want to live a long life. " Guinevere scoff.
" what a fake friend " she rolled her eyes. Granger immediately look at her , his lips curled.
" We've been friends since we were just toddler and now.. you're calling me a fake friend? " Granger ask while dramatically holding his chest. Guinevere stared at him boredly.
" and so? " Granger's lips formed into an 'o'. Guinevere flinch when he suddenly stood up and started walking away.
" you're acting like a child again ! " Guinevere exclaimed as she chuckle.
" it hurts My lady " she heard Granger respond. Loud laugh escape her lips at what he just acted.
" so sensitive " Guinevere mumble with a chuckle. Guinevere also stood up and followed Granger , pestering him on purpose.

Guinevere was so lucky to have a guy best friend like him. He's always there to listen on her rants in her messed up life. Always there to comfort her and always there to make her laugh. Guinevere's loud laughter filled the quiet lake near the tavern as she succeeded in annoying her best friend.

A SERIES of knock made Guinevere flinched in her bed.
" what is it? " she said with a sleepy voice while rubbing her closed eyes.
" My lady! Your father wants to talk to you! " her maid, Judith respond.
" it's too early to discuss a worthless wedding! " Guinevere exclaimed as she sat up in her bed.
" but My lady--- "
" Your fiancé is on his way here now " Guinevere shut her eyes hard as she heard her father's voice. Guinevere let out a deep sigh.
" after you clean yourself join us in the garden " her father urge.
" I'll be there in a minute " she responded. Guinevere walk towards her bathroom lazily. After she took a bath her maids help her wear her gown, fix her hair and put her make up on. A deep sigh escaped Guinevere's lips as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.
" you look stunning My lady " Judith complimented her. Guinevere just gave her a smile as she stood up in her chair and started to walk lazily towards the direction of the mansion's garden. Guinevere's hands formed into fist as she saw her father and fiancé from a far. " what is he even doing here this early in the morning? " Guinevere mumble irritately. She compose herself as she saw Ling waves his hand at her, she responded with a fake smile. Her father's attention also switched at her. Guinevere's eyes watered ,imagining a scenario in her head as she slowly walked towards the aisle with the man who controlled her life, giving and marrying her off to a man whom she doesn't love.
" father " she utter, standing right in front of them. Lord Baroque just nodded and continued drinking his coffee. Ling stood up and gave her a kiss on her cheek. " Good morning " her fiancé greeted as she pulled a chair for her, the young lady just nodded and force a smile. Guinevere sat on the chair and started stirring her tea.
" so.. how's your sleep ? " Ling asked her. Guinevere sip in her tea before answering.
" it's fine.. I had a good night " she smiled. " good to hear then " Guinevere just nodded at her fiance's respond.
" We're glad that you're here Guin " Ling utter with a smile. " me and Lord Baroque were discussing about our--- "
" our wedding " Guinevere cut his words off. Ling just nodded. " I would like to held our wedding in the Capitol , same date with your 18th birthday " Guinevere's body stiffen as she slowly look at her father, with a begging expression in her eyes. Guinevere swallowed the lump in her throat.
" i- it's a double c-celebration then " she stutter. " yes " Ling respond. Guinevere bit her lower lip seeing her father's cold expressionless face while staring at her also.
Guinevere avoided her father's stares and had a sip in her tea. Minutes of discussing about their wedding feels like an eternity for her. She isn't cooperating with their plans , she was just talking if she's being asked. She don't bother suggesting any ideas cause she knows that all were already planned out perfectly.

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