Getting Closer

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Steve blushed, "Smooth Stark", he said and Tony chuckled before showing Steve the other places including his room which was way better than the one Fury gave him.


Tony spent most of that day with Steve helping him in shopping, teaching him and helping him move in.

That night as Steve was sleeping he started having nightmares, nightmares of Bucky and Peggy and his time in the army.

Tony who was in his lab heard Jarvis's voice after nearly an hour as he had told Jarvis to not disturb him unless it was an emergency.

He was making changes to his suit when Jarvis's voice rang loud, "Sir?", Jarvis called, "This better be important J", Tony said keeping his things down.

"It is sir, Captain Rogers is having nightmares it seems and his heart rate is rising rapidly", Jarvis told and Tony bolted out of the door before Jarvis finished the sentence.

He went to Steve's room and rushed to Steve's side who was still in sleep, but was twitching in his sleep.

"Steve! Steve!", Tony called and shook Steve's shoulder who sat up straight breathing hard, "It's alright Steve, you are alright", Tony said.

Steve looked around before calming down slowly, "I am sorry Tony, I just I-", Tony cut him off, "Don't worry Cap, even I have nightmares and PTSD's", Tony explained.

"I didn't mean to wake you up", Steve said and Tony shook his head, "You didn't Steve, I wasn't asleep", Tony said.

Steve looked at Tony, although he couldn't see much with the lack of brightness, he saw Tony looking tired.

"If you are alright Cap, I will leave you to sleep, you can call me if anything, I will only be few doors away", Tony said and got but Steve held his hand.

"Please stay with me", he said and Tony hesitated first but nodded and laid down next to Steve and together the two drifted to sleep.

The next morning Tony woke up to see him tangled together with Steve and his head on Steve's shoulder.

He blushed and tried to remove himself from the blonde's grip but couldn't and woke Steve up accidentally, who looked at their position and let go of Tony.

"I am sorry Tony, I didn't mean to-", he was again interrupted by Tony, "Stop apologizing Cap, I should be the one thanking you for I slept peacefully yesterday after many days", Tony said.

Steve blushed at this and Tony found it cute, "Come on Cap, we have lot of work", Tony said and Steve nodded.

Tony left and went get dressed and Steve did the same and they went to the kitchen and Tony explained the machineries there, like the coffee machine and all and the two left after having their breakfast.

~ 3 months and a week later ~

Steve was caught up on a lot of things thanks to Tony, but he still had some difficulties in the technologies like looking up at the ceiling when talking to Jarvis.

But more than that over the past three months Tony and Steve had gotten closer, as Tony spent more time with Steve, even when they slept because it helped them both.

Tony got to know more about Steve, like about Bucky and Peggy and Steve also got to more about Tony.

He never would have thought Howard would have been such a asshole of a father, he even had to get that out of Tony after a lot of persuasion.

But getting to know each other also helped them get close and Tony asked him on a date one day, about 2 months ago.

Steve accepted it as he realized this century doesn't see LGBTQ community as a sin or disease as much as it used to be.

That got them much more closer and soon they attended on another few dates and Tony asked Steve to be his boyfriend to which Steve accepted happily.

Today though a new news came as they were in their penthouse watching a movie cuddled together on their movie date.

"Sir, Agent Coulson is here wanting to meet you and Captain Rogers", Jarvis said, "I can't meet anyone now J, tell him I am out", Tony said.

"But Tony it may be important", Steve said and Tony looked at his boyfriend, "The only important thing is you babe", Tony said and Steve smiled and the two kissed.

The two broke off as Jarvis said he was being overridden and Coulson exited from the elevator, "Security breach", Tony said and Steve chuckled and got up along with Tony who followed him.

"Phil it's good to see you", he said and Tony frowned, "Phil? his first name is Agent", he said and Steve shook his head smiling.

Phil told them about the avengers initiative which Steve already knew about from the files Fury gave him.

"Mr.Rogers a word please", Tony said as he was looking at the hologram and Steve excused himself and went and stood next to Tony holding his waist.

"I thought... we were having a moment and why is he Phil?", Tony said and Steve smiled, "Well we are, I am going to help you with your homework", Steve said avoiding the last question.

Tony looked at him pouting and Steve chuckled and kissed him, "It's important honey come on", Steve said and with the knowledge he learned from Tony, swiped the tab.

There, many holograms popped and Steve looked at it amazed, he was still getting used to it, "You have a lot of homework", he said.

Tony nodded and looked at the cube hologram of the infinity stone, "We will be there tomorrow Agent", Steve said and Coulson left.

"You owe me a date", Tony said and Steve smiled, "Finish this and maybe we might have something more than a date", Steve said.

Tony's face lightened up and he nodded, "Deal", he said and Steve chuckled, they planned their first time today and that was partly the reason why Tony was upset and now this from Steve encouraged him. 

"This is crazy", Steve said looking from Bruce to Thor and to the 2 assassins in the hologram, "Welcome to the 21st century", Tony said as he read about the cube.

Steve sat on the couch and Tony sat next to him and laid his legs on Steve's lap who smiled and took the physical file and read it.

After reading it he turned to see Tony doing some researches and saw that it was past midnight, "Come on Tones, it's late", Steve said.

"One minute Stevie", Tony said and Steve shook his head, by getting to know Tony he also got to know that making him sleep is hard.

So he lifted Tony in his arms, "Steve", Tony yelped chuckling as he held Steve's shoulder and kept his tablet down.

"Sleep time now", Steve said and Tony chuckled, "Yes sir", he said and let Steve take him to bed for another peaceful night.

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