I could be a better husband than him

Start from the beginning

So he looked towards a familiar street where lights were glowing brighter than the surroundings. He went towards it and luckily saw the girl he was searching for.

Shoto was confused as to why she looked more bashful than her usual rebellion attitude. He turned to where she was looking, to see a man walking away. He also saw the bouquet in her hand and figured the obvious.

"We have to go, it's time for the starting of the celebration" She nodded her head and turned around walking slowly to her house.

Shoto turned to take one last look of the man too. Albeit, he didn't see his face but his green hair made him suspicious about something.

He looked similar to the woman he bumped into earlier.

But he didn't dwell on it much and went ahead in normal speed, letting the girl slowly walk behind. But he didn't see something which might affect his plan.

Elina slowly walked, taking advantage of his distraction and stopped at a point for a bit. She again looked behind her seeing his fading figure.

But didn't think anything anymore and started walking following Shoto again to the house.

The girl looked behind her meaning there will be something happening ahead of everyone.


A little A/N:
The story continues.
I just found the video.
If you haven't figured it out, this story is totally based on an Indian movie.

If you know which story is it, good for you. If not, I will tell at the end of this story, which will not take long anymore.


Author's POV continues
The next day, Izuku went to the hospital in one purpose. As his work of confession has finished, he can now peacefully wait for her answer. So his motive for today is very special too.

Getting Eri out of her coup of loneliness.

Although the little has several doctors and nurses for her care, she also deserves fun from children near her age. So he took her in her wheelchair and started to circle the corridor towards the children's ward.

The girl lost the ability to walk, when she was taken for experiments from some mad doctors and cut open her legs for that. She still takes the pain from that yet still managed to let a genuine smile from the rush she was feeling with her favourite nurse, Deku.

He took her to the children's room and saw many of them in their beds with female nurses and doctors checking up on them.
He clapped his hands gaining attention from everyone, "Listen children. From now on, this little girl will be your friend, okay?"

Some children were excited to meet the small girl while others let out a smile. A girl of nearly 7, came to her,"What is your name?"
Eri shyly replied,"I-i'm E-Eri"
The girl cooed,"Aww, don't be shy. We're friends now, right?"

The white-haired kid slowly removed her hands from her cheeks,"W-we are?"
The other kids came out and said,"Yes! We will be great friends!"
Eri smiled a little,"Yeah!"
The elders smiled at their interaction.

Izuku cleared his throat,"Okay, now that everything's alright, I'll let you on with a magic"
They turned to him excitedly,"Really?"
He nodded and hummed in agreement, "Now all of you turn around. You too Eri, don't look back"
They all did as instructed.

Nurse Deku (Izuku Midoriya x OC) Where stories live. Discover now