Chapter 3

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Jungkook blinks and pulls back immediately. He was definitely not prepared for that outburst. Then he takes a moment to realize what he just did and curses himself internally. He almost forced Seokjin into a situation he clearly wasn't ready for and he had no one else to blame but himself. If Jimin could see him now.

Giving him a gentle smile, Jungkook gave Seokjin's arms a small squeeze before he moved the broader man back and over to sit next to him.

"I'm sorry, Seokjin-ssi, I shouldn't have done that. We haven't talked about anything yet and I won't make assumptions again." Jungkook's tone was polite and formal as he stood and dusted himself off before holding a hand out to Seokjin.

Seokjin hesitated for a moment before placing his hand in Jungkook's. He couldn't help but hyper-focus on how warm his husband's hand was, calloused yet soft, strong yet gentle as he was being pulled up. He also felt the hard steel ring he wore on his index finger caress the middle of his palm.

After being pulled up, they stood there awkwardly before Jungkook remembered what he was doing originally.

"Right, thank you, Seokjin-ssi, for helping me with the—ah," He couldn't remember the right word for "filter" in Korean. He could've sworn he used the word earlier. "With the thing," Jungkook finishes with an awkward laugh.

Seokjin smiles, the tip of his ears beet red. "Yes, yes, of course. You can call me Seokjin-ah. No need to be formal with your spouse."

"Thank you, Seokjin-ah," Jungkook says warmly before getting to the task at hand.


Seokjin paces in "his" room, repeating the incident over and over in his mind. He can still feel the press of a lean body against his, feel the warm breath on his cheek—what is he thinking? Lean body? Warm breath? He fell on top of a man, that's it! The man being his husband—that did not mean he was attracted to him!


Throwing his hands in the air with a huff, Seokjin continued his pacing, determined to create a faded trail in his wake. He's not sure if the room was even his but it was the room he was brought in when he was sleeping. So, for now, he was claiming it as his own little hideaway.

He couldn't believe he yelled something so obscene at Jungkook. How could he yell such vulgar nonsense? It was a panic response to being so close to a man he was supposed to be intimate with. It wasn't as if Jungkook was attacking him, he was simply leaning in for a kiss, a kiss he had every right to. It was just the fact that...

Seokjin had never kissed a man before.

Sure, he had kissed women, plenty of women in fact, but that was only because the potential brides that wanted Seokjin demanded to try the "product" first. Those kisses were insincere and rather demanding, some of them even hurt. If he could stand those kisses then kissing a man should be just the same, right?

He thought about how he kissed women in return. Was he soft and gentle, or harsh and rough? He never had complaints but it was hard to know in the moment. He thought about kissing Jungkook and immediately his palms began to sweat and he felt the tips of his ears turn hot. He was alone in a room with only his thoughts and still, he became so embarrassed. It was humiliating. All he was doing was thinking about kissing for crying out loud!

There was a knock on the door frame alerting him of someone's presence. It was Jungkook. He was leaning against the frame casually with his legs crossed. Jungkook looked more relaxed as he had changed out of his jeans and flannel to a short-sleeved black shirt and gray sweatpants. The outfit was simple and yet screamed masculinity. Any other time the image would've meant nothing but now it made Seokjin swallow subconsciously.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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