Chapter 1: The soggy bread

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The mom wants to kidnap her children to take them to Starbucks. But she keeps failing. So she decides to summon a demon. The demon fails too. She is very disheartened by this, so she goes to the store. She meets an angel and it tells her that she is actually a hybrid demon angel princess. She becomes happy, and then attempts to kidnap her children again. She doesn't fail this time and takes them to Starbucks.

"I am a hybrid demon angel princess. I deserve to rule the world!" the mother proclaimed.

"What would you like to order ma'am?" the worker smiled, ready to listen.

"It's "your majesty" to you," the mom crossed her arms.

"Just tell me what you want to order," the worker sighed.

"If you don't call me 'your majesty' right now I am going to have to call your manager, young lady!" the mother crossed her arms, pursing her lips in a pout. Her face was red with anger, as though she could explode at any moment, her eyes bulging out of her skull. A few tears ran down her face, her mouth curled up into a grin, making her face look all the more absurd. She looked like she had just come out of a horror movie, her face looking as though she could kill you at any time if she wanted to. Her breathing became heavier and heavier, a single drop of sweat running down her face as she became redder and redder until she looked almost like a tomato.

"Say it you sussy baka."

"....Fine," the worker rolled her eyes, "What would you like to order, 'your majesty?'"

"I would like a chicken margarita please, '' the mother smiled. The worker nodded, going back into the Starbucks to make her order. However, the worker had other plans. She obviously went inside to grab her stupid chicken margarita, but as she was making it, she spat in it. You see, her spit had magical powers. These powers turned her victims into a moldy piece of idiotic bread. 

Although the demon angle princess Karen demon would get her karma, the worker also had to pay the price; if the worker wished to turn people into a moldy piece of bread with an IQ that goes into the negatives, she would turn into her brother's old moldy sock that was kept under the bed and had a horrendous odor. But, she figured it was worth it.

She came outside with the Karen angel demon princess' food with a straight face, but with a grin of delight inside. She 'reluctantly' handed her margarita thingy. The Karen angel demon princess smiled an evil smile. No thank you, or anything, she drove away in her demon angel princess fairy car. Her children begged her for chicken, but she said,

"~no~ unless you wish to be beaten by LA CHANCLA!" The children backed away, but still asserted dominance by T-posing in their mother's demon angel princess fairy car. The mom ate the chicken, and turned into a moldy piece of unintelligent bread, and the worker turned into her brother's sock.

The kids came back to drive their poney in their backyard, but realized that there was a singular slice of moldy bread on the floor. This made the middle child very ecstatic. Because that happened to be his favorite food. The other children were not fazed by this, so they went off into their backyard to dive their elf-sized poney into the sunset. The middle child inhaled the bread. Off it went into the fetus' system. T'was happy. Happy indeed. 

The demon angel princess Karen soon realized that it was no longer on the kitchen floor. It was uncomfortably warm. She screamed and screamed. The fetus soon had a stomach ache due to all of the screaming, and took a trip to something that is referred to as the bathroom. It took a hot fat dump, and the mother soon realized that it was in the depths of a white room. The demon angel princess Karen soon became depressed.


The fetus was wondering what was going on, but ignored it (no water washing to be seen), and proceeded to leave the premises. The demon angel princess Karen was now taking a trip into a thin tube. She got insulted by this because she thought that this room was bold enough to assume that she was a skinny legend. 

She had her 32.0000000039-minute temper tantrum, but this tantrum ended when she landed in the dark, mysterious swamp of mysterious substances. She was angry because she was wet. Very, very wet. She believes that she is allergic to being wet, so she started to panic screaming,

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" This demonic scream was so loud that it woke up the dead rats in the swamp water. They did not enjoy being woken up, so they went up to see who dared wake them up from their slumber. They see nothing but a moldy piece of bread.

The gutter that they were in had a strict no moldy bread allowed in the hours of 3 am-8- -pm. It was 7:59 pm. The rats yeeted the bread out into the ocean, and returned back to being dead. The moldy bread sensed salt. The demon angel princess Karen was on a no-salt diet, so she started to panic. She tried to get away from the salt, but she wouldn't move faster than 1/86 miles an hour. 

About 3 meters away, a baby shark tried to go up to the service, to see what all the commotion was. A moldy piece of bread. He was discouraged, and fashionably swam away with his 36-carat rings.


Give or take a couple of millenniums later, she finally arrives at the sandy beach. She is indeed very happy because she can continue her no salt diet. So she sits there, and feels something crawl on her. She starts to tremble. She is very fearful. Very fearful indeed. The sand crabs are now all over her. The dumb piece of bread is mortified. She attempts to stand up and T-pose on them because, in her opinion, they are haters, but she fails, and continues to get devoured by the sand crabs. 

The sand crabs soon realize that she's ~gross~ and turn her into a thick, greenish-yellowish mush. She feels really hot. She wonders if she has a fever. She convinced herself that she does, and thinks that she is gonna die very soon. She was thinking about writing her will, but she thinks it's a waste of time, and her children would enjoy a fisheye instead of her mula. She sits there, waiting to depart.

Some mysterious, grainy substance is inhaling her like there's no tomorrow. She accepts her fate, and lets whatever salty brown stuff consume her. She soon realizes that the sand is salty, and tries to escape its grasp of the sand. She fails to do so, and becomes emo.

She's in the sand. She is still unaware that it's sand, but it is sand. She decides that she might as well travel around to see what's in there. She soon becomes terrified for the billionth time because she sees more of those crawly creature things. She runs away from them, until she finds a sock. It looked ancient, and had a horrible odor.

She continues to stare into the abyss of the sock, until it speaks to her.

"Hi," says the sock

The Karen demon angel princess demon barf dumb bread ignores her. The sock soon knew that the thick substance was the Karen demon angel princess demon. The sock goes into its secret tunnel, and dives straight into the ocean. The former Starbucks worker figured that it was worth being wet because it's the ~Karen demon angel princess demon~.

The thick substance sat in the abyss of the sand in an emo manner. She figured that since she was always in an emo manner, she should turn emo. So, she figured out a way to escape the sodium-filled sand, and soon ventured off to the nearest Walmart.

No one questioned the fact that there was barf on the floor. Some people called employees, but they were too slow for the Karen angle princess demon dumb dread mysterious thick goop. She took some black dye, and exited the premises.

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