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The girl stood up after what she did, carrying the girl with her, carrying her bridal style while the other kids stared in fear and some disgust.

"Ew! [First name] likes girl! That isn't very girlie of you, beanpole girl!" One of the boys said, while some boys and girl gagged, acting disgust with the boy.

"I never said I was interested into girls Yushi-san. But I am going to say, I absolutely dislike you boys, such small, fragile, dramatic people, specially you. Are you even a boy Yushi?"

The said boy was tearing up, feeling weak against the tall girls presence. He started crying and running away, the other people who sided with him stayed back while the bystanders were staring in fear, as the tall girl walked away with the shorter girl in her hands.

"Now what were you doing there, Tamafune? You really are a handful.." The tall girl said, sitting down at a bench while the shorter girl stood up in front of her. "I told you to call me Tamari! And besides.. He said 'pretty please' so I picked up his stuff!" [First name] face-palmed at this and looked at the girl in disbelief. "You.. Really are hopeless aren't you? Look, I'm just here so you wouldn't die at a young age and you're over here, acting like a little miss wanna die.. I don't want your mom to kill me cuz I didn't protect you.."

[First name] looked up at Tamafune, who was tearing up. She felt bad, really bad. All her friend wanted to do was help her and protect her and all she did in return was act all stubborn. "Sorry.. "

"You're too nice and sweet for you own good.."


It didn't feel right, why didn't she win? Why didn't she try hard enough? She wasn't having this, it was definitely her fault.

Tamafune burst out screaming and sobbing with tears, both dried and new all over her face, and her hair was a whole mess.

Just as she started crying, a huge bang was heard from the door, it was [First name]. She was sweating, with a worried smile on her face. "Tamafune, where.. Tama-.. Tamari... Could you stop crying, it wasn't your fault... Your opponent was strong, that's just it."

"Then why didn't I just try harder?! Why didn't I just hit faster? Why didn't I just attack higher? Why didn't I try!?" Tamafune cried, hitting her hand onto the tatami floor repeatedly. [First name] hugged the girl, her left hand hugging the girls waist and the right hand was patting the crying girls back.

"Then why don't you just rest now? Why don't you do that next time, then? Why don't you learn from that instead of flat out crying about it? What you're doing is useless, don't even think about fighting against that." The tall latter grabbed the shorter ones chin, lifting it high until the girls face reached hers. "This is the dumbest thing you have ever done your whole life, and I mean it."

This made the shorter one stop and stare until she started crying again. The [H/C] girl just let her be and hugged her tight until she stopped.

The two finished their moment and they both went home with the shorter one being carried by the taller one.


[First name] stared hard at the choices, she didn't know which to choose. It was quite a difficult decision.

"I.. I think I'll just go to a Public-" Befor the girl could even clear up her answers, her friend cut in, agreeing with her. "I'll go to a Public school too!"

"Ok then I, how about the school?" [First name]'s mother said, dropping down two papers filled with names of many Public schools. [First name] was looking for a well-known one, but one of the schools confused her. "..."


"Could you stop cutting me off? Also, I think this is Karasuno.." [First name] excused, looking at the paper more closely. "Aww, what a wonderful choice!" Mistress [Surname] said, obviously sad about the girls 'answers'.

"But I was about to pick Nekoma-"

"I'll sign up to the school right away!"

"Mom, listen-"

"Be right back!"

Before [First name] could even talk, the elderly woman already left. "Uh.."

"Hey, at least we'll be together! And I think I can handle Public schools!" Tamafune reassure. "You just picked whatever I picked, huh.. So I wasn't imagining it."

Tamafune grinned awkwardly as she scratched the back of her head in embarrassment. "You know.. You really should be happy we're together. I know I am-"

"Did I ever say anything about not being happy being with you?" [First name]'s reply shocked the girl, which made her stare at the girl out of shock before hugging her with puffy cheeks. "[Nickname]... You really are the best."

"I agree with you.. I am the best.. For you."

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