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It had now been a couple weeks since Matt had gotten a call from their manager saying they had a photoshoot to do and they had to be in LA for tomorrow morning.

Chris was in his room packing his clothing up when I entered his room.

"Did you wanna come with us? You don't have to if you don't want to" he says as he looks up at me.

"I'd love to chris, do you think it'll be alright with your guys manager If I'm there? I don't really wanna be a bother" I say worryingly.

"Kins, you'll be fine. You won't be a bother to her or us" he smiles at me.

With that, I start to pack my bag for the warm weather up in LA. It's actually my first time going to LA let alone going on an actual trip like this with the boys. I'm pretty excited about this but mostly nervous, I've never been outside of Boston for that matter.

While I'm sitting on the edge of Chris's bed folding my clothes he notices my knee bouncing uncontrollably. It's something that happens when I'm nervous or anxious, nothing big. Chris notices

"Kins what's wrong?" he asks.

"Hmm? Nothing , I'm all good" I say with the fakest smile I could put on.

"No, you're not. Talk to me" he says.

See, here's the thing. Whenever Kinsley had trouble with her panic attacks or her anxiety she would always talk to Matt. He has been a great listener and an amazing outlet for her whenever she needed it. Kinsley and Matt had always bonded through their anxiety which ultimately has brought them closer together in a way.

Kinsley has tried explaining it to chris as best as she can but sometimes he just doesn't get it, and that's alright with her.

"Kins?" He questions.

"Sorry I spaced, uh just nervous is all" she lets out a slight chuckle. "I'll be right back, I gotta go see Matt real quick yeah?" And with that she left the room as quick as she could before chris could let out a response.

Kinsley knocked on Matt's door waiting for him to let her in. She could feel herself starting to shake. Matt opened the door to let her in, Matt noticed and immediately pulled her into his room, shut the door and locked it. Kinsley sat on the edge of his bed waiting for him.

"What's going on?" Matt questioned.

"I'm just so nervous about this trip, matt"I tell him.

"What about the trip are you nervous about?" He asks.

Kinsley let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding in.

"Im nervous about flying out, about your guys manager, the people, and just being out of Boston in general" she lets out all in one jumbled sentence.

"Wait, your coming?" he questions.

"Yeah, is that okay?" She asks.

"Of course it is Kinsley. First off, we're all here with you Chris, Nick and me. We won't leave you alright? One of us will be beside you on the plane so there's nothing to worry about. And as for our manager and leaving Boston, you've got nothing to worry about" he says with a reassuring smile.

I let out a breath. "What would I ever do without you lover boy" I say with a grin.

"Crash and burn, crash and burn, Kinsley" he chuckles.

I get up from his bed and give Matt a big hug. I leave his room and back into Chris's. He's sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands.

"Chris?"I ask.

"Jeez kins you scared the hell out of me" he says as he gets up and engulfs me in a hug.

"I'm sorry" I say.

"You better be" he chuckles.

"We're leaving early in the morning by the way" he says.

"Okay, I should go check on Nick and see how he's doing with packing." I laugh.

"Yeah you should, he's quite the procrastinator" he laughs.

Chris releases me from the hug so I can go check up on how nicks doing. I walk down the hall to nicks room and peak my head through the door

"knock knock" I say smiling.

"Heyyyy, come in" he smiles back.

"How are you doing with packing?" I ask him.

"Uhhh great, yeah almost done" he says giving thumbs up from his bed.

"Nick, come on I'll help you" I tell him.

"You are really a pain in my ass you know that right Kinsley" he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Oh I know, but you still love me no less" I say with a smirk.

"Mhm you've got me there" he laughs.

I spent almost two hours helping Nick pack his clothes which consisted of him asking me which ones go together or which ones look better than others. Once he was all packed it was pretty late so I said goodnight and let him be.

I slowly made my way to chris room making sure not to make tons of noise in case I wake up their mum. I open Chris's door and see him sleeping. God he looks gorgeous. I go into Chris's closet to grab sweats to put on and climb into bed beside him.

"Goodnight chris" I whisper.

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