"I'm sure he'll have no problem coming back. I'll try to bring him the next time I come over"  The Kiramman girl says which got a smile from the younger girl. "When will you be coming back? Vi said you weren't allowed to come over, but you're here anyway." She questioned. "Let's just keep this a secret. Nobody can know that I'm down here. But I will visit when I can" Caitlyn assured. "I can keep a secret, right, Vi?" The girl looks over at her older sister who nods. "Sure can." Vi looked at the two girls and slightly smiled. "Well, since that's that, I guess we should discuss when I meet your dad," Vi suggests. "There's a council meeting tomorrow so my mother will be occupied for a couple of hours. Maybe we can do it then" Caitlyn suggests. 

"Can I come?" Powder asks excitedly, "I wanna meet Caitlyn's father." She then proceeds to turn her attention to Caitlyn, "Do you have any siblings?" She asked again. "Sadly no. I'm the only child. But I don't see any problem with you coming along, you'll have to ask your sister if she's okay with it" Caitlyn says before looking at Vi. "As long as you agree to behave, you can join us. But let's see how things go this time then you can definitely come. " Vi says to her sister. "Yay!" Powder smiles. "I'm sure he would be happy to see you as well" Caitlyn smiled. 

"Can Mylo come to?" Caitlyn and Vi both look at each other and laugh, "This isn't a party, Powder. This is important." Vi added. "I really hope this goes well," She says. "There's nothing to be worried about. My father is a really nice man" Caitlyn assured. "I just wanna make a good impression, that's all." Caitlyn gently grabs Vi's hand, "It'll be alright, I'm sure you'll make an incredible first impression." She smiled. Vi looked down at their hands and back at Caitlyn. 

"All I ask is for you to be yourself," Caitlyn says reassuringly. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Powder asks. "Excuse me?" Vi asks in shock, "What? It's true. Oo, how did your first meeting go?" Powder asks Caitlyn and Vi. "Well, we just fell for each other" Caitlyn replied which got a smile from Vi. "I guess it was a crush at first sight, eh Cupcake? Vi says. "No I mean literally, you made us both fall to the ground after you collided into me when you were running from an enforcer" Caitlyn laughed.

 "Well I did save you, didn't I?" She added. Vi gives a small sigh, "Yes, you did. Speaking of which, what did you tell the guy?" Caitlyn looks at Vi, "I don't think you'd wanna know, now, let's move past that." She says putting a strand of hair behind her ear. "Does this mean you're girlfriend and girlfriend now?" Powder asks. "Well we aren't really putting any labels on us right now," Vi says as she and Caitlyn exchange looks. "Oh, it'd be cute if you guys ever did get together. I'd be your number one supporter!" Her little sister squealed. 

Vi and Caitlyn looked at each other again, both a little red in the face from blushing. "That's very sweet of you," Caitlyn says with a smile, "I'd say we both appreciate it." A smile also formed on the pink-haired girl's face as well. "We really do" Vi says holding Caitlyn's hand a little tighter. "Can we do something?" Powder asks, "I'm bored...again." Caitlyn looks over at the girl, "I would love to, but I won't be able to stay for too long, I have to go home soon. Any ideas on what to do?" She asks. 

"Can you teach me how to shoot a gun?" Powder asks eagerly. "How about we save that for another time" Vi interjects quickly. "But why?" Powder asks sadly, "It's just best if we don't use weapons. Instead, we should make gadgets," Caitlyn responds. "I'll go get my bag, I left it upstairs." Powder says before leaving the two alone. "Your sister is adorable." Caitlyn says. "She gets it from me" Vi says jokingly.

 "Do you ever wish you had siblings?" Vi questions. "To be honest, it doesn't really matter to me. However, seeing the relationship you and your sister have makes me incredibly happy. You clearly care for her a lot." Caitlyn smiled.  "We're all each other have after what happened to our parents." Vi says before looking down. "What ever happened to them if you don't mind me asking?" The bluehaired asks turning her body towards Vi. "I don't remember too much, I was pretty young, but there was this explosion or something, on a bridge, and they got caught up in it, at least I think they did. All I really remember is Vander finding us." The other girl explained. Caitlyn pulled Vi into a hug. "I'm sorry that happened to you the both of you Vi"

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