[4] there is nothing to gain by standing in the rain

Start from the beginning

"You know, it would be quicker if you'd help." she said with exasperation. 

"I'm not in a hurry, love."

The enormous suitcase was stowed in the train with the support of her back - and her acting skills. Why not make it all the more dramatic she thought. Her arms were firmly grasping the train doors, as she was staring directly at the man. No reaction. A single strand of her hair fell out of place in front of her face, dangling around her nose by her hot breath.

Then she saw the look in Theseus eyes change as it fell to her lips. He then, as if he forcefully reminded himself that she was a wretched witch - in the sense that the muggles used -  turned his whole body away. Look away. She is rude. He repeated these phrases until they burned holes through his brain.

Ariadne needed to understand him, so she quickly infiltrated his mind. This was part of her ability. She saw a memory of his, the conversation, along side the feeling of hurt he felt. The memory was when Ariadne declared she was about to fall asleep right after Theseus had opened up about his feelings. She realized the misunderstanding she unwillingly caused, slightly cursing underneath her breath. Her timing was awful. 

She ought to clear up the simple confusion that had occurred between them, she thought, it was easily done.

"Besides," he added spitefully as he got in the train, "I might do it in a boring fashion." A small smirk appeared in the left corner of his mouth. 

All the sympathy she felt turned to irritation in just the span of a second. Well fuck him anyways, she would not clear up this misunderstanding - better he hated her, because she did too. Fuck all guys named Theseus, she thought, and he is as Theseus as it gets. A Theseus that just left her all alone on the platform. At least it was not on an island...

She took one last look at the majestical school - Hogwarts. It had been home to one of the best years of her life. And frankly, it was the only place left that made her feel safe. She looked at it as tears started to well up in her eyes, carefully hidden by her sunglasses. Ghosts of her past dwelled in her mind. But she did not cry. Only thunders emerged and the heavens cried out for her sake. 

[Inside the train]

It was completely empty. She almost didn't recognize it from the loud and noisy place it used to be. She remembered eagerly burbling though the pathway as she avoided accidentally bumping into her fellow students, frustrated by the eternal and impossible search of an empty cabin. Her friends... well... now she stood unsurely in the train feeling as empty as its content, even though she could pick any cabin; they were all free. The smell was not the same anymore, she didn't know why.

"Never been in a train before?" Theseus remarked sarcastically as he tried to get past the girl that wouldn't move.

She rolled her eyes and turned to him. But as soon as she noticed the proximity it felt like a fire had emerged within her. She automatically stepped backwards, desperate to create distance. He was so infuriating, she thought. Especially since he was completely soaked and smelled like rain. He looked handsome, particularly as he stood there with his hands in his pockets.

She decided to play the part though, chin up high. He couldn't know what she thought of him anyways.

"I prefer my mode of transport to be completely private."

He motioned at the empty cabins. "Well, as there is no one else here, I suppose this will do just fine for her majesty." He dryly retorted. 

Ariadne took a step closer and looked right into the eyes of her nemesis  before he had finished his sentence. She had no time for his witty remarks. 

Sleepless Nights [Theseus Scamander x Adriane Somni]Where stories live. Discover now