Chapter 10: Rise Konoha 12: Real training begins!

Start from the beginning

"What?" Tsume asked getting up.

"You see," Naruto explained, "if all three of us train at the rate we are then we'll all be ready when the Akatsuki make their move. Plus we'll have a few nasty surprises for Danzo in the long run."

Tsume was quiet. She was considering the pros and cons of this. She sat silently for a few moment's making Naruto wonder is she was ever going to answer.

"I'll consider it," Tsume said, "I should have an answer by tomorrow."

Naruto nodded. He knew that this was a big choice for a mother to make. He got up and walked out the door a new destination in mind.

Hyuuga complex...

Naruto walked passed the two guards at the door. They smiled gratefully at the boy. Naruto smiled back. He walked past until another guard stopped him.

"State your business," the guard said in a serious tone.

"I'm here to talk to Hiashi Hyuuga on an important matter," Naruto explained.

The guard nodded and said, "Head to Hiashi's office. He is currently in a meeting with the Hyuuga council. I warn you though he may be angry when he out."

Naruto nodded in understanding. The meeting with council before the civilian council was dissolved was a major pain. Naruto walked down the hall and found Hiashi's office. As expected it was tidy and very well organized typical of a Hyuuga.

Naruto sat in the office until Hiashi arrived. There was the sound of stomping outside and the door was opened violently and then slammed shut. Naruto looked to see Hiashi Hyuuga with a rather angry look on his face.

"Are you okay?" Naruto asked as the Hyuuga patriarch started to calm down.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Hiashi said, "Those old bags of sand on the council want to brand Hinata with the caged bird seal and they want to marry you to Hanabi."

"They want to do what and what?" Naruto yelled.

"I know," Hiashi groaned, "I tried to overrule them but my so called father ont eh council overruled me and they plan on branding her tomorrow night. They also want to marry Hanabi to you and she wants to because of the power you showed. That council is tearing my family apart! What am I going to do? I'd sooner die then let my own daughter be turned into breeding stock for my own clan!"

"I think I can help you with this little problem lord Hyuuga," Naruto said grinning.

"How?" Hiashi looking at Naruto pleadingly, "How can I save my daughter!"

"Easy," Naruto said, "I'm starting this training thing soon and I want your daughter and nephew to join me. The other clan heads children are going to join in too."

"A chance for Hinata to grow stronger?" Hiashi asked.

"Yes," Naruto said, "since it's under my home she'll be under Namikaze clan protection. She won't be branded with the seal and if one of those old farts on the Hyuuga council tries to pull something she'll deliver a grade-A butt whoop!"

Hiashi nodded and said, "I accept. Now I just hope that Hinata is willing to do so. If she is she will be there tomorrow. So will Neji."

Naruto smiled and left the room. He had to admit this was going quite well.

Yamanaka flower shop...

"Hey Naruto!" Ino said as the blonde walked into the flower shop.

"Hey Ino," Naruto said, "Can I talk to your dad?"

"What's up?" the platinum blonde asked.

"It's important," Narutro whispered.

"Hey dad!" Ino yelled, "Naruto here has something to talk to you about!"

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