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- July 20th, 1996/ Muggle Park

"Potter." said Voldemort as he nodded to the Boy-Who-Lived.

It was 1 in the afternoon. Harry and Percy agreed to meet the Dark Lord and Severus at a muggle park. It was a decent day, a bit dry if anything, as they sat at a picnic table. Voldemort looked like his younger self, only in his early 30's, and his eyes were crucio red.

"Riddle." nodded Harry. "Shall we begin?"

"Do not call me that name." sneered the man hatefully.

"It's your name like it or not and I will not call you some made up name. We may not like our family, Merlin knows I hate my relatives but we can't change it. You can only change what you let it do. Do you let it define you? Do you let it eat at you, or have power over you? Or do you take charge over yourself?!" sneered the teen.

"If you were anyone else you'd be crucio'd for that."

"No one else has the bloody courage to actually stand up to your arse like me. Plus you are talking to the teen who is suicidal so." he shrugged. "Kinda out of self preservation at the moment." He glanced to Snape. "Before you say shite just know I was suppose to be in Slytherin. I lived with Petunia. Try me."

Severus simply raised his eyebrows. This was not the Harry Potter he knew. This was the Harry Potter who was done with everyones shit. This was the Harry Potter who was making a name for himself away from the scar that ruined his life.

"Now." Began Harry. "I know bluntness is not a route you Slytherins tend to take but for the love of Circe it will be yours today. I am on the fence with loyalties. Dumbledore's a manipulative bastard and truthfully I don't know his ideals. I was shoved into this bloody mess so I can't just back out. I know at the very least he wouldn't allow that. So tell me now, convince me, why should I join the dark? And don't fucking lie to me because I really can't handle any of it anymore."

"I want to bring back the olde ways. Many of them have been banned, which isn't good. It's the reason magic is dying in Britain." Informed Voldemort glancing at Percy. "Ask your curse breaker brother and dragon tamer brother. They should have experience with the other cultures." Red met green once more. "I want better separation between muggles and Magicals. So many young magical children die because of their muggle relatives. Magic can only do so much. I want to bring back a lot of classes at Hogwarts that were taken away by the old coot. I also want to expose him."

"And that's it?"

"Since I have regained my sanity yes."

"And if I joined the dark what would I be required to do?"

"Nothing until you take up your seats upon the Wizengamot."

"I have seats?.." Harry asked stunned. His eyes fell to his lap where his hands laid. How much was he not aware of? How many more secrets would he uncover?

"The Potter's are an old family." Said Severus shocked. "Did you not know that? Lily even took an inheritance test. I believe she came from a few squib lines herself."

"No one tells me anything Snape. The only one who has ever been willing was Padfoot. And...and now he's gone..."

Before another word was able to be spoken a small owl flew down and dropped a letter in front of Harry before leaving. He knew who it was from so he wasn't bothered. As he opened it Percy asked who it was from.

"Luna Lovegood. Great friend of mine. She's in Ginny's year. I am almost certain they are talking." Smirked the teen before looking to the letter.

Dear Harry,

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