Never Ends/Putting Step 1 Into Motion

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(I apologize for the poor translations. I do not speak a second language. I barely speak English Properly)

My mom and I escorted the Nakano Sisters to their home then we begin our own trek home as well.

(M/N): Honey I need to know what is going on here. I know the supernatural has a large presence here.

(Y/N): I figured you were responsible for the gunpowder smell outside the house.

(M/N): I should have taught you how to fight rather than pray you would never need to know how.

(Y/N): Don't worry mom I have a p-

She held up her hand.

(M/N): Warum sprechen wir nicht in unserer Muttersprache? (Why don't we speak in our native tongue?)

This told me we may not be alone.

(Y/N): Sehr gut Mama. Wie gesagt, ich habe einen Plan.(Very well mom. As I said I have a plan.)

(M/N): Dein Vater auch.(Your father did too.)

I heard her say in a solemn tone. We both missed him so much. I pulled her into hug as we held each other.

(Y/N): Ich kenne Mama und ich vermisse ihn auch. (I know mom, and I miss him too.)

(M/N): Du bist stark. Genau so wie er. Versprich mir nur, dass du das nicht alleine machst.(You're strong. Just like him. Just promise me you won't do this alone.)

(Y/N): Ich verspreche. (I promise. )

(M/N): Auf einer anderen Anmerkung, wie viele Freundinnen planst du zu haben? (On another note how many girlfriends do you plan on having?)

(Y/N): MAMA! (MOM!)

she just giggled.

(M/N): Im Ernst, unsere Freunde in der Archäologischen Abteilung haben etwas gefunden, von dem ich denke, dass es für Sie von Nutzen sein wird. (Seriously, our friends in the Archeology Department found something I think will be of use to you.)

She held up the bag she had been carrying. I looked in and was shocked.

(Y/N): Die Legende ist wahr! Könnte das nicht besser helfen- (The legend is true! Couldn't this better help-)

(M/N): Vielleicht könnte es. Aber ich würde lieber zuerst meinem kleinen Jungen helfen.(Maybe it could. But I would rather help my baby boy first.)

I smiled and hugged her again

(Y/N): Ich liebe dich, Mama. (I love you mom.)

(M/N): Ich liebe dich auch Sohn. (I love you too son)

We finished our conversation as we made it inside.

(M/N): I'll be leaving tomorrow for Berlin, but not until we get to spend some quality time together.

(Y/N): Sounds like fun mom.

She went to her bedroom as I went into the living room to meet Kaga and Patchy. As I entered the both walked up to me and kissed my cheeks which caused me to blush brightly.

(Y/N): Ok have you both had your fun yet?

They exchanged a look then looked at me.

Kaga & Patchy: No

This just caused me to blush more.

(Y/N): Please stop

Kaga & Patchy: Not until we can go on our dates

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