"I see you brought some new friends with you." He comments noticing Viktor, "Oh, and your friend from last time!" He adds when noticing Caitlyn. "And of course, Qiyana." Qiyana high-fives the man with a smile. "I hope it was okay if I brought one of my friends Mr.Vander. Powder really wanted to meet him so I asked him to come with," Caitlyn says. "No need for the Mr, makes me sound like I'm an old man. You kids have fun down there" He says wiping down the counter. Everyone starts to head downstairs with Vi being the last one. Before she went, Vander stopped her. 

"That one's a keeper Vi, you better not lose her" He commented. "I hope I don't." She frowned slightly. Vi walks down the stairs with everyone else, Powder running up to her. "You brought more friends? Cool!" She says referring to Viktor. "Before we do the introductions I need to borrow her for a sec," Qiyana says before pulling Powder aside, far away from the group. "Look, all of this will be yours if you agree to help me and Mylo with something," She says offering a small bag of trinkets. "Woah, I can have all of that?" Powder asks with excitement. 

"If you agree to help me and Mylo with something." Qiyana repeats. "I promise it's super easy." She smiled. Powder looks at the bag and then back at Qiyana. "If I say yes will I get to play with your ring blade?" She asks. "Depending how well you get the job done it will be considered." The older girl responds. "Deal" Powder says. Qiyana drops the bag in Powder's hands and whispers to her what to do. 

Not too long later, Powder runs up to Viktor. "Do you also make inventions?" She asks. "As of matter of fact I do, Caitlyn has told me about some of the troubles you are facing with your intentions. I'm happy to be lending out a helping hand." He smiled. Mylo went over to Qiyana. "You told her the plan right?" Mylo asks. "Yep and she should start any second now" She responds with a proud look on her face. Caitlyn went up to them. 

"I'm not sure if I'm imagining things but something seems a little off with Vi. She's been acting.. different. Do any of you happen to know what's wrong?" She asks. Mylo and Qiyana looked at Caitlyn not knowing what to say. "Uh.. nope we don't, right Mylo?" She says glaring at him. "Nope not at all, beats me," He says with a nervous laugh. The Kiramman girl crossed her arms. "You two are lying to me aren't you?" She says with a raised eyebrow. "What? We'd never lie to you!" Mylo says nervously. 

Qiyana rolls her eyes at him, "This plan is definitely gonna get blown." She thinks. Caitlyn looks at Vi and a frown forms on her face. "It's me isn't it.." She says sadly turning back to them. "Maybe a little.." Mylo says rubbing the back of his neck. "Mylo what the f man!" Qiyana exclaims. "So it is true.." Caitlyn frown. 

"Wait Cait let us explain," Qiyana says putting her hand on Caitlyn's arm only for her to move away. "There's no need, you've said enough," She says before grabbing her bag and heading out. "Great going smartass!" Qiyana glared at Mylo. "What the hell did you two say to her?" Vi says angrily approaching the two. Qiyana glares at Mylo, expecting him to explain. "What am I supposed to say?" He says in response to Qiyana's glare, "I didn't mean to hurt her feelings or anything." Vi huffed out in annoyance.  

"Just look after Powder I'll be back," Vi says before taking off, hoping she could catch up to Caitlyn before she could go too far. Vi ran through the hordes of people in the street hoping she could find the blue-haired girl. Caitlyn was trying to find the train station to Piltover until she got stopped by a bunch of boys wearing similar clothes. "Where do you think you're going, little lady?" The blonde one smirks. "I don't think that's any of your business," Caitlyn says going to walk away only to get blocked off by the bald one. "Where do you think you're going? We just wanna talk to you," The bald one says. "Respectfully get out of my path so I can go home," She says not in the mood for any of this. 

"Oh you're not going anywhere," The bald one went to stroke Caitlyn's hair but before he could touch her, Caitlyn twisted his wrist and squeezed on his pressure point. "I said get out of my way" She repeats. The bald one cried out in pain and the blonde one pushed Caitlyn to the ground. One of them grabbed Caitlyn's school bag. She dusts herself off and then kicks the thug in the shin making him drop the bag. "I don't want to have any more trouble with you now let me go on my way," She says as her patience started to grow thin. 

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