Chapter 8 - The battle begins

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"So you heard about my brother"

"Mhm" Y/n nodded feeling sorry for the death of Mikey's brother

"Ah, Takemichy we know we can't do anything about that indicident...
Neither Baji nor Kazutora wanted to do such a thing" Draken said

"I know we can't do anything, but my heart can't accept it" Mikey got up and walked towards the exit followed by the others

"The bike that Baji and Kazutora tried to steal belonged to my brother, he would give it to me for my birthday. And this bike is all I have left of my brother.
It's been two years and I have forgiven Baji, but even if they didn't know it.... Kazutora killed my brother and I will never forgive him" He said with a straight face, and that made Takemichi and Y/n shiver.

"I was sure I told you to bring Baji back, why instead I see his deputy captain here, what are you going to do Takemichy?" He turned toward Take and you went a little closer to your brother for safety

"Mikey-kun! I intend to become the head of Toman and I will!" Take said out of nowhere

Everyone was surprised except Y/n who already knew about this crazy idea of ​​his brother, after saying this they left and Mikey and Draken were left behind amused by Takemichi's words

"You're crazy. Other than not knowing how to read between the lines," Chifuyu said

"Yeah.... I don't even know why I said such a thing, my heart is pounding," Take replied nervously

"You are really stupid, and then how do you think you can realize that?" You sighed to your brother's follies
"I don't know okay?! Don't make me nervous little sister!"

Chifuyu went in front of Take, still trying to hold the umbrella over Y/n, and held out his hand "How about this, I'll help you become Toman's boss and you'll help me with what I'm doing"

"So does this mean you believe in me?" Take asked in surprise

"Not a bit," Chifuyu replied immediately

"I knew it?! You're kidding me!" Takemichi said exasperated by Chifuyu's response

"But I'll help you"

"Mmmmh, okay, I'll try to help you out!"

"It will be a pleasure to collaborate with you partner!" He said smiling
"And what with me?! I want to help you too and be a partner!" Y/n complained, feeling excluded

'Sorry Y/n but I can't call you a partner because I see you as something more' thought Chifuyu blushing for what he had just thought "You can also help Y/n-chan, if you want you can be Takemichi's helper"

'But I'm already Take's helper in some way' you thought

"First I want to find out the link between Valhalla and Kisaki and I already have a track!" Chifuyu said as he started to be followed by Takemichi and Y/ n.
One thing Chifuyu didn't expect was Y/n clinging with both hands on his arm so she was more out of the rain, Chifuyu stiffened and tried to stay calm trying not to show how nervous he was.

When they arrived at their destination they saw Osanai working, Chifuyu explained what they wanted and Osanai told how he met Kisaki and how he did everything he said. After explaining Kisaki's true intentions and how he was just a pawn to him, Chifuyu, Take and Y/n left and in the meantime the rain was over.

At this moment they were talking about who the real captain of Valhalla was, namely Kisaki, and Takemichi decided to go into the future saying that he forgot to do something important and ran away leaving only Chifuyu and Y/n.

Hanagaki's Siblings (Tokyo Revengers x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang