Chapter 1 - The Prologue

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Stewie's POV

Living in a family of morons is hard. There's the fat man, a vile-bitch woman, my imbecile of a brother, the dog, and my depressing girl who I would not like to call my sister. Me and the dog go on many misadventures together like when we went on the road to Rhode Island, Europe, Germany, the Multiverse, the North Pole, find Rupert, and even Las Vegas. Some of you may think I'm "gay" for Brian, but that's not true... I think. Anyway, today Brian and I have something planned. We need to find Rupert once again! You see, I went into the multiverse to get some good tea in the British Tea dimension and I brought Rupert, but he wandered off without me noticing! We needed to go back and find him.

"Hey Stew," Brian said then looking down at the multiverse device, "uh oh, what are you doing?"

"Oh don't get so close-minded Bry," I said in response, "I left Rupert in one of the multiverses and I miss him!"

"Okay Stewie, don't worry we'll find him." Brian said reassuring me in his soothing yet protective tone. He was such a great friend to have. So loyal and fun, like a dog... oh wait. Silly me!

"Well, let's get going!" I say as I press the button.

We appear in some type of world ran by "emo" teenagers. Everyone was wearing black and very thick eyeliner. The damn device was broken again!

"Stewie, where the hell are we?" Brian said in confusion, "did you leave Rupert... here?"

"It seems like we've landed in some type of universe ran by emo teenagers," I said back in frustration, "and no, I left him in the British tea universe! It's not gay."

Everywhere we went we saw girls and boys wearing shirts of bands like "Sleeping With The Sirens" , "Veils of the Black Brides", and "Falling in the Opposite Direction". Suddenly, we felt a wave of teenage angst come upon us.

"Uh, Bry," I said to Brian, "I suddenly feel as if no one understands me."

"Same," Brian said in a depressed tone, "and for some odd reason I want listen to people screaming about how hard life is even though I have a perfectly fine life in the suburbs."

"Also," Brian continues, "I've always been an atheist, but now I have the compulsion to tell everyone about it."

Brian and I continued to say depressing and angst filled things until we realized we need to find Rupert!

"Stew," Brian tiredly said, "press the button so we can leave."

"For some reason I don't feel like it," I said confused at myself, "actually, I don't want to do anything even though it's important."

Brian and I decided to start to walk around and we both started crying a little. We continued to walk when a girl dressed in all black stops us. She takes out one earbud and examines us.

"You're not in uniform," she expresses drolly, "here, put in these earbuds and wear this eyeliner. Also, make sure to walk slower and sadder."

We do as told and keep walking around until we saw a concert ahead of us. All the emo people appeared happy for some reason. That was it! The music makes them happy. That's how we'll get the energy to press the button!

"Bry," I said, for some reason fatigued, "we have to get to that concert."

"Agreed." Brian says.

Everybody is walking in the same direction as us to get to the concert. Everyone looked like perfect clones except for me and Brian. Which happened to make us more sad. Which also made us walk slower. After 10 terrible minutes, we finally arrived to the concert. The songs started playing and somehow we got pumped. We knew every lyric to every song and we were practically losing our voices. The concert was almost over and I suddenly realized something. We hadn't even pressed the button yet! Rupert could be gone forever if I didn't act quick.

"Brian!" I exclaimed as loud as I could, "I forgot to push the button!"

"Uh, after this song Stew," Brian said back. I could not believe it. Brian was completely brainwashed! Well, I guess it wasn't much of a shock. Brian was pretty suggestible. I mean, last time we were trapped in the multiverse, Brian got so excited from me saying things even though they were just to get out of where we were. He could be an idiot sometimes, but I loved him. I mean, not gayly. More like how a man loves another man. But not in a gay way. Anyway, I'm getting off track. I need to save Rupert! I continued to sing along until the song was almost over and then I quickly pressed the button, bringing us to another universe.

We entered the universe, and it might have been even more stranger than the one before. There were firefighter poles everywhere and trashy pop music playing. There were all these lonely looking men standing around near the poles, including Quagmire.

"Woah, Stewie," Brian said in amazement, "where are we?" Before I could answer, a girl in only her bra and underwear came up to us.

"Hey boys," a voice said seductively as a turned around seeing as it was Lois, "anyone want a dance?"

It was just then when I realized those poles weren't for firemen.


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Brian and Stewie's Return to the MultiverseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora