
"So, do you know any sign language?", Chase and I were on our walk home, we'd gotten ice creams along the way so we were eating them on our journey.

"I know enough", he nodded, "definitely not everything, but enough".

"When do you use it? Do the guys know any?", I asked and he smirked, taking a bite of his ice cream.

"I use it when I take these out", he pointed to his hearing aids and I nodded, "Cub probably knows just as much as me, we learned a lot together while growing up - Zane and Scott know a fair amount, and the twins...they try".

"I mean I think it's amazing, you're basically trilingual", I grinned and he chuckled, his cheeks turning a rosy colour.

"I wouldn't go that far Izzy", he muttered, "it's cool though, y'know, having another way of communicating".

"Well I'd be willing to learn anything", I told him and he smiled, ruffling my hair as we approached our house, "I'm sleeping when we get in, you made us leave out too early".

"Oh please", he scoffed, "don't blame me for wanting a productive day".

"Productive my ass", I walked ahead of him and to the doorstep, "we stared at books and drank coffee".

"Don't act like that isn't your idea of a perfect day", he rolled his eyes and my mouth snapped shut, yeah he had me there.


The rest of the day consisted of more eating, and having a debate with Cay, Theo and Chase on whether horror movies were better than Marvel - I'd never had such a heated discussion in my life.

I checked up on Xav before I went to bed, the guy was completely knocked out with Xander beside him so I snapped a picture and left them to it; I'd hang out with him tomorrow instead.


By the time I'd woken up after one of the best sleeps of my life, I headed down into the kitchen for breakfast. Zane, Xander and Chase were in there; I didn't expect to see Scott for a while this morning seeing as he'd been sleeping really well recently, and it was only ten in the morning. Caleb on the other hand...he just slept for the sake of sleeping most of the time.

"Isabella, do you mind taking this up to Xavier?", Zane asked, sticking a plate of French toast in front of me.

"Course", I agreed, "is there any more?".

"I'll make you some yeah?", Xander offered and I nodded with a smile, even he'd been doing a bit better recently; although tensions were still running high between him and Cay after their fight. The evidence of said fight was also still present on Xander's face- he set himself up with that one.

"I'll be back, Chase make me a coffee please", I scurried off, suddenly desperate for french toast as soon as possible.

"Yes ma'am", he muttered, their voices gradually drowning out as I reached Xav's room and tapped on the door. No reply.

I opened it a little and saw that he was still sleeping- thank god he was finally getting some well deserved rest. I guess I could eat his breakfast if he showed no signs of getting up any time soon, better tell Xander though.


"He's still asleep?", the frown on his face made me a little worried, shouldn't he be asleep?, "weird, he's been struggling for weeks and now he can sleep for over 12 hours?".

"He's probably exhausted", Chase shrugged, "he needs the rest".

"I'm gonna check on him", Xander announced, "eat his food Izzy, I'll make him something when he wakes up".

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