Chapter 10: New Information

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"What are we looking for anyway?" Draco muttered as they had their way through the hall.

"Anything really, anything that can tell us what their goals are." (Y/n) replied, keeping his clutched tightly in his hand, hidden in his robes.

"What are you two doing here?" A voice boomed at them. The two of the froze in their spot. "New recruits need to report to the Scribe."

The two of them turned around to see a large man looking over them. He saw larger than both (Y/n) and Draco, but smaller than Hagrid.

He wore a badly beat up Death Eaters mask, with the bottom half completely missing.

"We didn't know." Draco told the man bluntly.

"That's no excuse. Follow me." And with that the man stood off down a side hall, with Draco and (Y/n) following them.

They followed them down long winding corridors, before they arrived in front of an old battered door.

"In there." The man grunted at the, pushing open the door.

(Y/n) and Draco shuffled into the room. Draco staggered back slightly in surprise. In the middle of the room, in an old wooden chair sat a man, his head rolled back, mouth slightly ajar drool dripping from it.

His eyes were glazed and unfocused, and looked as though they were did not processes anything around him. All around the man thin clear tubes circled and zigzagged, all of them connecting to the man's head.

In each one silverly wisps seemed to swim, heading either towards his head or away.

"This is the Scribe." The large man that had lead them there said.

"Is... is he alive?" Draco asked looking sickly.

"He is... sufficient. Large record rooms can be cumbersome, so little space. But the human mind... it's capacity is incredible." The man told them.

"Are you saying" (Y/n) started looking directly at the Scribe. "That his mind is full of all your records?"

"Every last one swimming around in that precious head of his. Now then you're memories."

"What?" Draco asked, and edge of tension in his voice.

"You're memories please. So they can be processed and copies of them made. Specifically those of the Dark Lord."

(Y/n) and Draco looked at each other. (Y/n) could see the fear in his eyes.

"Is there a problem?" The man asked as the smile fell from his face. "Is there something you have to hide?"

"Imperio," (Y/n) thought, as he felt his mind connect with the large man. "I think you'll find everything is clear here."

"Yes." The large man said, smiling at them. "Yes it's all in order."

(Y/n) then ordered the man to take off his mask, and let out a loud gasp as he did.

"No..." Draco said his voice tailing off. "That's Paulliv, he's in the department of improper use of magic."

"Put your mask back on." (Y/n) commanded Paulliv. "And get away, pretend like this never happened."

And with that Paulliv out his mask back in and left the room.

"No way... this goes way deeper than we could've imagined." Draco said shaking his head. "They've infiltrated the ministry."

"We need to be careful." (Y/n) muttered. He and Draco have one last look at the man in the chair, the Scribe before they turned to leave the room.

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