Chapter 1: The Diary

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The rain pounded on the windscreen, as the old Bentley screeched around a corner, it's wheels spinning rapidly to gain traction on the wet pavement.

"You wanna slow down a bit there!" A blond man screamed from inside the car, grabbing onto the door.

"Ah where's the fun in that?" The man behind the wheel said, yanking hard to right as the car skidded around the corner, two wheels losing contact with the street, before jolting to a stop outside an old looking pub.

"I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Oh come on Draco my driving's not that bad." The driver said as he exited the car, closing the door behind him in one sift motion.

"Give me a second (Y/n)." Draco said from the car, his face as pale as his hair.

"Well make it quick we've got a job to do here." (Y/n) said, pulling his black trench coat around him. He wore a pair of round glasses on his face, his dark (H/c) hair was neatly cut and fell just above his (E/c) eyes.

Underneath his black trench coat he wore a black button down shirt, contrasted with a red tie. Covering his hands were a pair of black leather gloves.

His partner on the other hand had shorter blond hair, neatly brushed back to revel his forehead. He was dressed much fancier than his partner, wearing a jet black suit with an emerald green tie.

"Are you ready yet Draco?" (Y/n) asked impatiently shuffling around a bit.

"Yeah... yeah alright." Draco said pulling himself out of the Bentley.

It had been six years since Voldemort had been defeated. (Y/n) had gone back to Hogwarts to finish his last year along with Hermione, and after that they had gone to work.

Hermione had gotten a job in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, where of course she was advocating for house elf rights.

(Y/n) had gotten a job as an auror, where he had been partnered up with Draco Malfoy. At first the two of them had not worked well, but after a few dangerous jobs they had started to get a better understanding of each other.

Only a few months ago Harry Potter, one of (Y/n)'s closest friends, had been promoted to Head of the Auror office, and established the new Anti-Voldemort Task force, promoting (Y/n) to the head of it.

The main job of the AVT was to hunt down any remaining supporters of Voldemort, or those radicals who wished to bring back his ideology. At first the job had been hectic, lots of false reports were filed, and with the newness of it, the Task force had been in disarray.

(Y/n) however, along with the help of his partner Draco, had been able to pull the force together and get things under control.

Draco straightened his jacket, as (Y/n) moved towards the door of the pub, pushing it forward with a gloved hand.

"Ah Mr. (Y/n)." Tom, the old stooped barman, wheezed as they entered. "Ah and Malfoy. What brings you here?"

"Official business." (Y/n) said, flashing his badge towards him. "Got a tip off that some of the Dark Remnants have been seen around here."

"Have they?" Tom said, gently jerking his head towards a table in the back, at which four people sat the hood of their dark robes pulled over there faces. "I haven't heard anything about that."

"Alright then." (Y/n) said straitening, catching Draco's eye, and nodding to the table. "Draco you take a quick look upstairs and I'll check around the pub, let me know if you find anything."

Draco nodded at this, making his way over to the stairs that led to the inn above, while (Y/n) slowly made his way through the tables, stopping here and there to talk to the people at them.

Book 8: Harry Potter male reader insert The Diary of Elizabeth H. (L/n)Where stories live. Discover now