"I know," Andrew replied. "I've seen the news broadcasts."

     Kartoshka nodded. "So catching Fox and recovering the dysprosium would be a major feather in his cap. He doesn't want to take any chances of Fox getting away so he's preparing for any eventuality, even Fox laying in ambush with a rocket launcher while the rover goes on without him."

      "How could Fox have hidden a rocket launcher at the dig site? Besides, the rover's equipped with infra red cameras and the rocket launcher, or any weapon, has to be kept warm to keep it operational. It would shine out like a big neon light. We'd see him a mile away."

     Kartoshka grinned. "You're right, I was being facetious. I just meant that Cheval's trying to think of anything that might let Fox get away. That's why he's treating you with suspicion. It's not that he thinks you're a real security threat. He's just being ultra careful."

     "I understand," said Andrew. "Thanks for trying to sugar coat it for me."

     "No worries. Want something to drink? Nice cup of tea?"

     "I'd love one."

     "One cup of tea coming up."

     The Constable left the cockpit and returned a few moments later with a steaming cup that he placed in the cup holder beside Andrew's chair. Andrew thanked him and Kartoshka returned to help the other two policemen with whatever they were doing. Andrew took a sip of the hot, refreshing liquid, then returned his attention to the way ahead and the tracks left by Fox's rover, still heading steadily east ahead of them.


     Andrew slowly became aware of a hand violently shaking his shoulder, but it seemed vague and distant as if it were happening to someone else. Someone a thousand klicks away. Someone was shouting his name but it didn't seen important. What mattered was that he stay where he was, in a warm, cosy place where everything was perfect.

     A hand slapped his face and Andrew was suddenly awake. "What...?" he gasped, staring in shock at Cheval who was standing in the cockpit, in front of his chair. His hand was raised, ready to deliver another slap, but he dropped it when he saw that it wasn't necessary.

     "Why did you do it?" the Constable demanded. "You're a remainer! A bloody remainer! I knew it!"

     It took an effort for Andrew to comprehend his words. His head was fuggy. His brain didn't seem to be working properly. "What are you talking about?" he managed to say. "What's going on?"

     He became aware that Kartoshka was in the co-pilot's chair and that he was turning the rover around in a tight circle. "He's going to pretend that he just fell asleep," he said, glancing across at Andrew angrily. "He thinks we're fools."

     "I did just fall asleep," said Andrew, struggling to form the words. He forced the fog out of his head and tried to rouse himself back to full consciousness. What was wrong with him? It had never been this hard to think before. Never so difficult to form coherent sentences. Was he ill?

     "Get him out of here," said Cheval bitterly. "Lock him in his room."

     "The rooms don't have locks," Windsor replied, his voice coming from behind Andrew.

     "Then put a lock on it! Weld a bar across the door! Just make sure he can't get out to cause more mischief."

     "Wait, wait," said Andrew, waving a hand to ward the other men away. He was beginning to feel more awake. Whatever it was that had happened to him was beginning to losing its grip. "Someone tell me what happened."

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