Chapter four Annoying sisters

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As soon as his sister walked in it didn't seem like dealing with her would be fun.

" what do you want.." mike says in a low voice.

" well what are you guys doing? Can I join!? Or am I
a horrible person?" She says trying to get on Michaels nerves.

"No go away! You are horrible!" Michael whisper yells at his sister. From michael and your distance you both could smell the alcohol from her.

" What do you mean? I'm nice to y-y-you.." she says while sniffling and chocking tears back before running into her room and slamming the door.

" sorry about her when she drinks she gets so Fucking emotional." Michael says being so angered by his sister. As he looks up at you he's all confused.

" you okay? Did the ghost story really scare you that bad? Oh is it because I had cussed? He says raising his eyebrows.

Your mother had taught you to never cuss at anyone and to never cuss unless they deserved it.

" yea I'm good I'm just not supposed to cuss or be around people who do it ya know?" You ask hoping he'll understand.

" yea I get don't worry about it anyways what do you wanna do? More scary stories? Food?

" I really have no idea." You say stumped " wait let's try to pull a all nighter! It will be fun!" You say while widower yelling to him.

" yea let's do that. I'll see if we have any more candy or anything sugary to keep us awake."

I capfuls already tell that this will be fun. After eating a bunch of jellybeans and chocolate it made me a lot more energetic. Like everything at there house was so nice I loved it all. Especially michael he was so cute and had such a handsome face. I remember him telling me that he doesn't like the way his face looks. Saying that it's ugly and that it's stupid and that he HATES it. It made me really sad that he thought that because I thought that he was the most handsome boy in the whole world. It hurt me to know that he thought like that. It made me sad. Mad. I kind of wanted to prove him wrong show him how beautiful he was. His face was wNt
ugly at all.

He's not ugly

Not ugly

Not ugly.

As the sleep over went on we both started to get tired but Reyes to stay awake but it was no use. We had now ditched the all nighter idea. And it was only like 1am. Now we had to think on where we would have to sleep. Of course I said that I'll sleep on the floor because my mother had always told me to never like be rude or to use things that are like.. whatever I forgot. We had both seemed to argue over who sleeps where. After like a few seconds of fighting we decided that we would both sleep on the bed.

I had slept of the right side and michael on the left side. After a while I had eventually dosed off. But in a few hours I had woken up freezing cold. Like mikes blankets were okay but like they really sucked like no point in having a blanket at that point. Either just try to go to sleep again or try to cuddle with mike.
I wanted to cuddle with him I really wanted to but what if I woke him up and he got mad or what if I did it but he didn't like me? Or it making things awkward between us? I had decided to not try and cuddle I really did not want to mess up being friends with him.
And then I finally fell asleep but as I was about to I felt someone's arms wrap around me and pull me into there stomach. I look up a bit to see michael with his eyes closed. He's sleeping but he's cud-
Wait like sleep moving or moving in your sleep maybe. Yea that's all nothing weird nothing weird.

Wait is I like him why do I find it weird if he likes me back? And why am I so mad when he talks mad about himself? I haven't even known him for that long.

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