
22 3 0

Prompt - Color Your World - Make an ode to your individual perception by relating it to color

The sun is midway through falling, and I sit inside, on the faded leather couch just the right tint to be called golden. The light filters in opalescent rays through the glass panes, clear with the slightest hints of brightness.

I close my eyes as the blinding warmth strikes me, and see no other colors but those of the pale couch and the sunlight. I open them to watch the hickory floor be turned prismatic, with the third stripe in its rainbow elongated across the gaps.

I feel happy, and a grin catches the light over my face, stretching my tanish shade into more of a tawny orange. I bring my hand up to break the ray of sunshine, and watch it flit over my wrist, bending my fingers and feeling the subtle heat travel through the places between my skin. I am joy and calm and quiet. I am yellow. 

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