The Wharf

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"Brian, if you don't lie still I swear to god I am going in the other room," Bianca whined as Brian tossed and turned, pulling the covers halfway off him in the midst of his movement.

"I'm sorry," Brian sighed as he settled on his back, both arms above his head as he stared at the ceiling. He was hot; he couldn't get comfortable. He was tired, but he couldn't sleep.

"Just be still," Bianca chided as he pulled the covers back over his body, burying himself under them. Brian might have been hot but Bianca was freezing. It was a sacrifice of sleeping with Brian; the room had to be subzero or he would sweat  to death. "I know you're anxious."

Bianca reached above Brian's head and grabbed for his hand, intertwining their fingers. Brian sighed, a little more contented by the contact. Bianca never knew where the night would lead with Brian, but that was alright with him. They'd been intimate before - countless times - they were healthy, single men and they were both attractive, but it never meant anything beyond what it was. They both knew that.

"I ammmmmm," Brian complained as he turned on his side, rolling into Bianca and wrapping an arm around his torso. "I'm sorry. You can go sleep in the other room so you can actually sleep."

"No, no, it's fine," Bianca smiled as he wrapped an arm around Brian and pulled him in closer, "but if you start to sweat on me all bets are off, queen."

Brian laughed quietly and adjusted himself so he was lying on Bianca's tank top clad chest. It was comfortable with Bianca, always. There was no expectation, no tension, no awkward feelings between them. It never felt hard, the way it had with Trixie.

"Then you might as well get out now," Brian laughed, but made no motion to move off of him. "Thank you for my birthday party. And for my present. It's perfect."

"Well you're almost out of time so I thought a watch would help you keep track til it's your time to go," Bianca laughed as he rubbed Brian's back, tracing lazy circles on his skin with his fingertips. He knew Brian had been eyeing a Rolex for a long time, but he'd never buy it for himself, so Bianca had one custom made for him.

"You're such an asshole," Brian mumbled as he relaxed into his massage, enjoying the touch of another person. "Still, thank you."

Bianca nodded and kissed the top of Brian's head, then smiled as he felt Brian lift his head to meet his lips. "Oh, so birthday sex is going to be a thing?"

Brian laughed, but didn't say anything in response. He nodded and kissed Bianca again, answering his question that way.


Bianca opened his eyes and squinted as the sun poured into Brian's bedroom through the large bay windows. It didn't matter that the walls were painted so dark green they were almost black; the sun danced off the hardwood floors and bounced across the white ceiling, illuminating the entire room.

His head hurt. He had behaved for the most part the night before, but apparently four martinis was one too many. He reached across the bed to feel the cool spot where Brian should have been, but the covers were pulled back and his side was empty.

It didn't surprise Bianca; Brian was often up before the sun doing yoga, drinking coffee, writing, hanging by the pool. The older they got, the less Brian slept and the more Bianca wanted to. It was rare that he stayed in bed until they were both awake.

Bianca pulled himself out of bed and grabbed for his boxer briefs and pajama pants on the floor, then sauntered into Brian's closet to steal a sweatshirt. His salt and pepper hair stood up at odd angles, and his eyelids were still heavy with sleep as he made his way downstairs for coffee.

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