Chapter 8

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Once I reached my destination I saw Noah, Billy, Stu, and two other people on Noah's left and right side. I walked over to them and was met with a man who looked around 5'7, he had green eyes and brown hair, he stood on the right side of Noah. The girl on Noah's left side was a pretty brunette with hair that barely reached her shoulders and bangs above her big brown eyes. She looked oddly familiar but I brushed it off. 

Noah told me the brunette was a friend of Mia's and the two of them got close after her death. Her name was Amy and they started dating recently. The boy was a friend who just wanted to be set up with someone. 

"This is Oliver!" Noah yelled while pushing him closer to me. 

Billy and Stu just stared at Noah and Oliver. They looked pretty angry but I assumed it was because they didn't want to be there. I walked over to Billy and Stu and whispered to them.

"Thanks for coming guys." 

The six of us walked for about five minutes until we finally stopped.

"Let's go there!" Amy yelled while pointing towards a ring toss stand.

"Let's go there!" Amy yelled while pointing towards a ring toss stand

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The five of us followed after Amy.

"Win something for me, Noah!" she yelled.

The rest of us watched as Noah desperately tried to win a game that seemed almost impossible to.
After a while Billy, Stu, Oliver, and I walked off leaving the two of them alone. The four of us found a bench to sit on. We got some drinks and popcorn while impatiently waiting for the two. After waiting for five minutes Oliver told us how he started to get worried and wanted to check on the two. About a minute after he left Billy told Stu and I that he needed to use the bathroom. 

I was left alone with Stu. I stared at him awkwardly before finally asking.

"Stu, were you at my house yesterday?" 


"Around midnight. You weren't at my house?" I asked again.

"No, why?"

"Never mind, it doesn't matter." I said quietly.

If he wasn't at my house.. who was?

Billy had finally gotten back from the bathroom before anymore words could be exchanged. 

"Hey, Billy. Did you see Oliver or Noah?" I asked.

He seemed angry by my questioned but I asked again.

"No. I didn't." he replied.

Before we could go on any rides there was a loud feedback noise on the amusement park speakers. 

"Please go to your nearest exit and in a calm manner leave the park. This is not a drill. Please go to your nearest exit and in a calm manner leave the park." 

I noticed cop cars surrounding the park and asked what happened. None of them had answered me and I found out for myself. Oliver was murdered, not just that but he was gutted and hung on a nearby pole, his guts were falling from his lifeless body. After finding out Noah and Amy were alive I had one suspect in mind. 

It made sense for the killer to be Noah. He was at every scene of the murder. He was close to the victims. And, although this isn't much, he was alive. He should have been killed off in the very beginning but wasn't. Based off of the murders, I'd have to guess he was saving the best for last. Those two being Billy and Stu. Which meant, I was probably next. 

I was again questioned by the police and asked them to look into Noah. As much as I enjoyed trying to figure out who the killer was I didn't want to be butchered. Plus, the thought of the killer being Noah was a bit disappointing. 

Once the police were done questioning us Billy and Stu drove me home. This time I didn't deny their offer to stay and protect me. The two of them slept in separate guest rooms after offering to sleep in my bedroom. 

The next morning I woke up realizing it was Sunday morning. This meant my mom was going to come back today. Maybe I can finally tell her about all that's been going on. I walked downstairs to see both Billy and Stu eating what smelt like a well cooked breakfast. There was a plate by an empty seat, I took it assuming it was for me. I began eating and the three of us sat in a comfortable silence until I heard Stu.

"So who do you think the killer is?" he asked while facing me.

I sat there for a while debating on what I should tell him. 

"I think it's Noah." I mumbled. 

"Why do you think that?" Billy asked.

"Well.. he was at all of the crime scenes. Plus, if it wasn't him, he would have died by now." 

"Can't the same be said for you?" Stu teased. 

"I guess so.. But it could also be said for you guys!" I quietly yelled.

"Don't worry, Y/n. If it was me I wouldn't kill you." Billy sounded awfully convincing when he said that. 

The rest of the day was spent with the three of us watching horror movies and talking about the recent murders. I even told Billy and Stu about my murder board and they seemed oddly interested. They left once they heard my parents car in the driveway. Luckily they weren't caught. My mom didn't like it when I had people over. She was always so worried about me and I could never figure out why.

"Hey, Mom!" I yelled as a tired smile grew on my face.

"Hey, hon! I missed you so much!" 

The two of us caught up and I even ended up telling her about all that's been going on. Her frown grew the more I spoke about it. She tried convincing me to stay home for another week but I protested. Eventually the two of us agreed on me staying home from school on Monday.
We ended up talking for a few more minutes until I told her I was tired and with that I went to bed. 

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