Chapter 2

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I woke up by the sound of my alarm alerting me it was 6:00 a.m. I got up quickly, grabbed some clothes, and hopped in the shower. I twisted the handle and impatiently waited for the water to get warm. Once I stepped in, the water was warm and calming. Just like I expected. I almost fell asleep in there if it weren't for my mom asking if I was okay. 

"I'm okay!" I yelled. 

After getting out of the shower I was immediately hit by cold air. At that point I was freezing and couldn't wait to put on my clothes. I quickly dried myself, then proceeded to put on my clothes.

It was 6:30 by the time I was out. With that, I walked down stairs, and greeted my mom. 

"Good morning, hon!" 

"Morning, Mom." 

She handed me breakfast and attempted to make small talk with me. 

"Are you nervous, Y/n?" 

"Nervous? Why would I be nervous?" I asked sounding harsher than I intended. 

"About going to a new school, of course!" she quickly replied.

 "Why would I be, Mom? It's nothing new."

 With that, she stopped talking, I felt bad until I heard, 

"Don't be rude to your mother, Y/n. You should be grateful she's dealt with you all these years." 

Even though he was right, he still had no right to say that considering he's only been married to her for a couple months. Still, he's lasted longer than the others, I thought. Plus, she was happier with him. I would just have to put up with him, for her. 

"You're right. I'm sorry, Mom." I replied quietly. 

"It's okay, hon! I understand." she replied with a smile. 

"Oh! I forgot to say, Edward's going to take me to meet his boss. He's going to ask him to hire me. We won't be back until later tonight. You're going to have to walk back home. Are you okay with that, Y/n?" my mom explained.

"Yeah. That's okay, Mom. Good luck." I replied with a smile plastered on my face. 

"Are you ready to go then?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'll go get my bag, hang on!" I yelled while rushing up the stairs.

On my way to school my mom explained what she would be doing if she got the job. She sounded excited and I was happy for her. She also explained that if she got the job it meant she wouldn't be home a lot. I was used to being left home alone, but still, I thought this time would be different. She continued talking about the job until we finally reached our destination. Woodsboro High. We got there around 7:15 which was lucky for me, it meant I had time to look for my classes. 

I was getting ready to walk into my new school until I saw reporters surrounding it. 'What were they doing here?' I wondered. 

I tried getting past them all until I heard one. 

"Local teens Sidney Prescott and Randy Meeks were found killed yesterday in their homes. We're here at Woodsboro High with students mourning the death of their peers. With the anniversary of the Woodsboro murders coming up, students are questioning whether we have a copycat at hand." 

'Randy Meeks'. Why did that name sound so familiar? 

I wanted to ask around about the deaths but stopped myself. I had to find my classes. Plus, I didn't want to be insensitive. I eventually found my first class and walked in. This resulted in awkward stares. Fortunately for me, the teacher hadn't gotten there yet so I didn't have to introduce myself. I found an empty seat and quickly sat in it. A tall boy with dirty blond hair and blue eyes sat next to me. He was talking to other students about the deaths. 

Scream (Billy Loomis x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora