Chapter 1

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  As much as I hated moving I'd have to say the best part about it was getting a fresh start. I could become a completely different person.. If I really wanted to, that is. My mom constantly moved us. Half of the time it was because she met a new guy and he wanted to move us elsewhere, other times it was for 'work reasons'. I barely knew what she meant by that. She was in between jobs, and mostly worked as a cashier, what could possibly be so important about scanning barcodes that we had to move? No matter, there's no point in arguing, I was used to this. Who knows, maybe this time is different. Maybe I could even make a friend or two.

The hardest part about moving would probably have to be the unpacking part. Although, I didn't have very many boxes because we moved so much. I rarely ever had time to buy things, I was always so focused on getting caught up in my work because we always moved in the middle of the school year. Still, unpacking is so tiring. Maybe I'll take a break. I deserve some time to get to know my new home, right? I wasn't the best at driving so I walked instead, it was nice out anyways. While walking, nothing really caught my eye. All I saw were drug stores, and super markets, who knows, maybe my mom could get a job there... and hopefully stick to it. That was until I saw it, it was a video store. I always loved movies, especially horror movies. Something about watching the creative ways killers killed was always so fascinating to me. 

I walked into the store and immediately went to the horror section. I picked up some of my favorites, those being Friday the 13th, Halloween, Hellraiser, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I got multiple because I probably wasn't going to go back, all things considered. I was getting ready to pay until a movie caught my eye. 'Stab', weird, I've never heard of it. Maybe it was new. I'll ask a worker about it. 

I waked up to the closest worker I could find and tapped his shoulder.

"Excuse me?" 

He turned around, "Yes?" 

"Is this movie new? What is it about?" I asked while holding up a movie called 'Stab'. 

"Oh. It's based on the Woodsboro murders." he replied. 

"Woodsboro murders?" 

"Yeah, haven't you heard?" he asked. 

"No, actually, I just moved here." 

"Oh, well, it would take a while to explain, but, why not? A year ago there was a man who went on a killing spree around the time of the anniversary of his wife's death. He ended up killing five people." he explained. 

Felling a bit intrigued, I asked, "Who were they?" 

"Steven Orth, Casey Becker, Arthur Himbry, Kenny Jones, and.. Tatum Riley." he hesitated when saying the last name. 

I was curious, but didn't want to be rude. 

"Did you know any of them?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I did. Anyway, we're closing soon. Do you want to pay for those?" 

After paying I opened the door to leave before getting stopped by the man. 

"I didn't catch your name." 

"Y/n. What's yours?" 

"Randy Meeks. I hope to see you again soon, Y/n." he replied with a smile. 

"Thanks for the movies, Randy." 

I left the store with the movies in my hands. 'He was nice.' I thought. Walking back home was oddly calming. It was quiet and I had time to think.

 I wonder what the future holds for me.

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