I see our old place where we all used to sleep before Jack went hunter vibes. I sleep in there for now.

When I awaken it looks like its 6 am everyone is probably sleeping.

A few hours goes and there the conch blows again. But this time I'm not going to get caught I start to run to a cave I saw walking back here. As I go inside I see how small it actually is. It could only really fit 3 guys in it. I stay there and I hear the conch again.

I hear some lil nuns running and 3 stop in front of the cave so I duck.

"Oh my fucking god" one of them say.

"Jeez Ralph and Jack are not going to let us rest until "Runaway Piggy" is found fucking again" the other complaints.

"Why can't he just be good and stay put" The third ask.

"It's cause he needs all the attention! Like he has 100 guys all over him already does he need more" Wow why am I like this.

"Come on were supposed to go back" they all leave.

Is it true I need all of the attention. I mean I am doing all of this so that I can get the attention from Ralph and Jack but is it true what they said? Maybe I am just a fucking bratty annoying attention seeker. I should just fucking go back. Or maybe it would be better to just stay away from them for now I mean I cause them so much trouble.

I go back to the old huts to see them destroyed. Looks like they are pissed.

I feel my stomach growl so I go pick some fruits. I do it quickly so no one can see me. I eat it. I feel kind of alone I mean this is just karma I did run away.

I fall asleep in the cave and when I wake up it's just me. Huh I now know what the man on the moon feels like.

I try to make a spear but just end up cutting myself. I start to miss everyone but what is the point.

I start to grow bored so I make my own game up in my head. I grabbed 3 sticks and made it into a triangle. The game rules are: you have to make it 3 in a row to win and it has to make it in the triangle.

I also made my own little leaf pile in the cave forgetting everything. That's when I hear the bell on my collar ring. Oh yeah I never took it off. But I kind of don't want to it's the only thing I have of them left.

[1 week later]

Its been a week and everything was going well. They stopped looking for me. I think they are laying low I guess. I'm hungry let's go see if those strawberries have grown up yet.

I start to walk ignoring everything on the ground until I feel my leg get spiked with something sharp.

I look down to see that they have made their own traps to come get me. This is why they have not been fucking hunting lately.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I scream without thinking I see the blood on my foot.

I wait a second to see if anyone heard that. Im begging that they don't I don't want to go back no more fuck!

I hear nothing maybe they never heard me. But then I hear the conch go off. Fuck they heard me I need to go.

I start to drag my foot I try to see where the cave is. I start to go to the stone castle since it is the closest thing to me. I whine in pain as I can't move my foot anymore.

I crawl into a dead end. I can't go no where the mountain is in front of me and there is no where to climb that would be easy for me. The only way is up though.

I can hear footsteps so I get both of my hands together and pull as hard as I can to get my foot out. My hands start to bleed as the spike where every where. Slowly but o carefully take out my foot and see more blood gush out. I limp to walk out of the dead end but hear the bushes rustle.

"Fuck" I whimper. They got me.

I don't want Jack or Ralph to come to me. They beat me so bad last time and it hurt too much. I had to crawl for a whole 2 weeks before I could walk again.

I back away from the bushes and start to go back to the dead end. My hands bleeding and foot not working. I turn around to see heads come out of the forest. Their spears aimed at me like I'm the biggest Hog they have ever seen.

Simone comes out Roger following behind. I see Maurice come out tears in his eyes. That's when they came. Jack and Ralph the best duo. They look powerful together.

Their eyes blood shot red at me. Roger and Simone try to get to me before Jack and Ralph can.

"Don't you fucking touch him back away now!" Ralph orders.

Fuck I walk to the wall and look up. I mean I can climb this. I start to climb the wall and they just circle me. I don't climb far before I fall down. Fuck!

They all look at me. I see Jack coming closer and I run into the corner thinking about how they are going to kill me this time. I see how they found me. My blood was everywhere they followed me by my own fucking blood.

I start to cry and close my eyes....

"Everyone go back and eat the feast. Simone, Roger, Maurice stay" I hear everyone cheer saying "feast!"

I can't hold it in any longer I accidentally pee my self. And I'm covered in a yellow liquid.

God why do I have to be embarrassing. I'm a literally a fucking baby. I'm crying and peeing myself. I want to just die.

I look up my eyes still wet. I can see they all saw my accident. Simone looks scared. Roger is in shock. Maurice is just looking confused. And then Ralph is looking at my pee and laughing at the same time. Jack just smirks at me. What fucking crazy psychos.

Simone get ordered to leave and go eat too. Roger and Maurice get ordered to drag my hot mess self. They start to come close to me and grab my wrist. I put a struggle and make a run for it. I can see them running after me all of them.

I look backwards and with out looking I run into a tree and hit my self hard in the face. They all stop and look at me. I start to sob and they all just look at me like some baby I am. Jack tells everyone to go. But of course Ralph stayed. He was a part of the leaders now.

They both kneel down to me. And start to drag me by the neck my collar pulling me. They throw me into the lagoon but I can't swim so I start to drown. I inhale all the water. I start to sink and all I can see is them laughing at me.

I can't breathe and then that's when Ralph jumps in and drags me to the air. I cough up the water and the get the beating. As they beat me it doesn't go black yet. Fuck why can't it go black like last time so I don't have to feel it. I can feel them break my leg. I yell the loudest I could ever and start to cry loud letting my screams be the only thing anyone can hear.

My body starts to bleed and before I know it there is a huge puddle of blood around me. I can see the delight on their faces. They drag me back to camp and all the boys look at me.

"What the Fuck!" Roger yells. I see him try to get close to me.

"Oh fuck!" I hear Maurice scream. Him and Roger try to grab me but Jack says if they do they will get punished.

Everyone goes back into their huts and I can hear Maurice and Roger fight with Jack and Ralph. Jack slaps Roger in the face and I see tears start in his eyes they all run back into Simone and Rogers hut and the littles into theirs.

I get dragged into their hut...

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