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She woke, shivering, in the dead of night. No light around except for the moon. She was unsure of not only where she was, but how she even ended up there. There were trees all around her, she could smell the earth so fresh, could feel the soft prickles of dry leaves underneath her body. She tried taking in her surroundings, but it was so dark. She finally managed to get up and find a clearing through the trees. By the light of the moon she noticed her dress was covered in mud, tears all over it like it had almost been ripped off of her. There was something else on her dress and her body.. something sticky in some spots, and dry in others. She walked a little farther into the moonlight to get a better look. She gasped at the sight of what she soon realized was bright... red... BLOOD. Was it hers? was it someone else's? Was she hurt somewhere and just didn't realize it?! She was starting to panic. She took a few deep breaths and looked around. Where was she? How was she going to find her way back home? The night seemed to be getting colder, her dress was torn to pieces pretty much and she was freezing. She had to find somewhere warm and figure out what happened, and fast.

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