"A Newborn huh? I haven't seen one of those in a while." We sat in an uncomfortable silence after that which was soon broken by Alex.

        "Do you girls happen to have any blood around, I'm awful hungry."

        "I'm sorry Alex, but we just ran out. We could go get some if you like." El suggested which only made Alex smile wider.

        "That would be lovely if you don't mind."

        "Of course not, you coming too girls?" She asked looking at us. El and Danny decided to go with her, but we all though it was in everyones best interest if I stayed here, and away from people.

        As soon as the door closed Alex turned his head back to look at me.

        "Finally! I thought they would never leave."

        "Excuse me?" I asked confused. I thought he was their friend. I broke my stare with the ground just in time to see him race over to me and pin me against the wall. Screaming was useless though seeing as he had his hand covering my mouth, almost making it impossible to breathe. I tried squirming out of his grip, which he responded to by pushing me harder into the wall.

        "I wouldn't try anything if I were you love, that is unless you want this to be harder than it has to be." I shut my eyes tight as he brought his and up to my face and stroked my cheeks.

        "You're very beautiful, did you know that?" I don't know why he kept asking  me questions if he knew I wouldn't be able to answer them, unless they were rhetorical.

        "Now don't move, and everything will be fine." Slowly his free hand made its way down my cheek and to the hem of my shirt. As soon as his hand started to makes its way up my shirt I started thrashing around in his hold, and screaming through his hand trying so hard to make someone hear me. I knew something was off about Alex, but this exceeded any thoughts that I had, had about the topic. Tears started making their way down my face as his hand slowly trailed up my back towards the clasp of my bra. After all that has happened these past few days, this is not what I needed. I shut my eyes as tight as I could as the tears came down harder. I realized I was alone. The boys were out along with the girls. The tour bus was parked away from people, not only to protect them from me, but to keep the crazed fans away from the boys. No one was coming to save me. It was too late. Just as his hand grabbed the back of my bra the door of the bus slammed open. My eyes, still leaking tears, snapped open to see a very disheveled, very pissed Niall in the doorway.

        "What the hell are you doing?!" he yelled before charging straight at Alex, ripping me from his grip, and pinning him against the opposite wall as the other boys came rushing in the bus. Once his eyes landed on me Louis rushed over, grabbing either side of my face in his hands forcing me to look at him.

        "Are you okay Ava?" Concern dripping off his voice. He didn't even give me a chance to answer before he wrapped his long, slender arms around my small torso pulling me close to him, stroking my hair as I cried. From the way I was positioned in the hug I could see Niall with Alex up against the wall clearly.

        "What's your problem Niall? We were just having a little fun." He smiled causing Niall the push him harder into the wall and growl.

        "Does it look like she was having fun?!" He yelled pointing behind himself at me.

        "Why does it even matter to you?" He spat back in Niall's face completely ignoring his question.

         "Because she's mine!" Niall practically screamed in his face. A look of shock flitted across Alex's features for a second before he replaced it with his usual cocky grin. I'm pretty sure I myself had a look of shock on my face. What did he mean by I'm his?

          "You've finally found your mate Nialler? I must say I'm impressed. I thought after this long you didn't have one out there, and even if you did not one as beautiful as young Ava over there."

          "Shut the hell up!" Niall yelled swinging at Alex's face. The momentary release of pressure on his body gave Alex enough time to squirm out of Niall's grasp before he could hit him. Right before he left he flitted over to me quickly.

          "Get the hell away from her!" Niall yelled starting at him again, but once again he was at the door before Niall could reach him.

          "Until we meet again love." He said blowing a kiss at me before dashing into the night. Without a second thought Niall turned his attention to me and grabbed me out of Louis' hold. His eyes raked over my whole body as if looking for any sign of being hurt.

          "Are you okay? Did he hurt you in any way?" He asked frantically.

        "I'm fine Niall, I promise."

        "Thank God." he said while pulling me into a bone crushing hug, burying his face in my hair and inhaling deeply.



       "What did you mean by I'm yours?" I looked into his clear blue eyes that refused to look into my eyes. He looked at each of the boys looking for some help and or backup, which they gave him neither of.

        "You're my mate Ava." He shifted his gaze to the ground biting his lip obviously nervous of my answer. I on the other hand was still very confused having no idea what a 'mate' is.

        "What's a mate?"


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