Part 8 of stress

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"I do like you but I can't...I'm sorry clay I can't.."
You sigh

"Wait what?! Why.."
Clay said almost on the verge of tears
"I like you and sapnap..."
You say nervously

"Ooooo! Polyyy~"
Drista yells

Clay yells back to drista you both hear her laugh

"That's not a bad idea.."
you laugh

Sapnap walks in
" I heard everything-"
He says sitting down

"You can pick us both?"
Dream and sapnap say in sync
They both look at each other and then at you
You felt your face heat up

"Your blushing.."
Clay says with a smile
You jump back and cover your face

"I- I need time to think a-about this!"
You say as you turn away immediately running into nick
He grabs you by the waste and stares down at you
"Are you okay?"
He says in a sweet tone
You say nervously

You feel clay wrap his arms around your neck area so he has his arms around you
Nick is holding you by your waist
Your face shines pink as clay moves his hand to your hair and beings to play with your hair as he gave you a soft kiss on the top of your head

"go think about it sweetheart~"
Clay says in your ear as nick winks at you and gives you a kiss on the cheek
They both let you go and stand back with a sweet and soft smile
"O-okay thanks bye guys!"
You say as you rush to your room and run in and close the door

"You should date them both"
Drista smiles

You let out a sigh
"I forgot I gave you my room.."
You laugh
"It's cool we can share the bed!"
Drista smiles

"Your a life saver..."
You sigh
"what time is it..?"
You turn to drista who is sitting at your computer playing Minecraft
Drista smiles at you

"Ugh I'm goin to sleep.."
You sigh
" okay sleep well!"
Drista says!
"Get tf in bed and get to sleep too."
You laugh
"Aw okay.."
Drista laughs too
She gets off Minecraft and your computer and she lays down next to you and you both fall asleep

in the morning

You wake up drista is no where to be seen in your room
You sigh and get up you walk to the bathroom avoiding any human contact as you
Go and brush your teeth
And shower
You blow dry your hair with a hair dryer and you put some makeup on
Not a lot just a natural look

You sit on the floor of the bathroom and look down

"I think I wanna.."

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