my sweetheart~ (fluff to smut)

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This is a chapter I'm writing for a very kind person go check them out there name is VeryyyyBerryyyy they deserve a lot of love with what they write anyway let me start to get back to writing this also thank you all so much for over 3k reads that is amazing dude thank you all so much oh yea let's continue now
⚠️ FLUFF TO SMUT WARNING along with blood and not so happy stuff ⚠️

It was like any normal day you woke up around 8ish in the morning to your alarm waking you up

Before your alarm

You sat up in a cold sweat looking around
You were unsure about your surroundings it was a dark room with only Moon light to see it, you felt chills down your spine as you rubbed your face standing up
The floor creaking beneath you
You heard a loud scream followed by a gun

What the fuck is going on?!?!

You thought as you slid under the bed the door which you assumed was locked broke open as someone walked in the scream you heard echoed through your kinda sounded like George...

You watched the footsteps walk towards the bed as your eyes winded seeing a huge spider infrot of you making you scream slightly but quietly
You heard the man laugh as he fell to his knees looking under there you froze
The man was wearing black and green..

he grabbed your wrist yanking you out from under the bed you screamed slightly
You practically screamed
He yelled grabbing a hammer off the wardrobe next to the bed as he lifted it into the air about to hit you
You kicked him in the gut sending him flying, you always got told you had a good Kick you then shot up and ran out the room locking it shut from the outside as he banged on the door you ran into a room as you screamed

⚠️ trigger warning ⚠️

You saw George dead his head and face was smashed to pieces you fell backwards against the was as you begin to shake rapidly then before you know it you heard a loud BANG

Clay said loudly as you realised he was hitting the door breaking out using the hammer
You got up and found a metal door you backed up into the room and shut the metal door locking it from the inside as you stepped on something wet
You turned around

you screamed falling backwards into the door as you saw Quackity cut into peices
You began to cry and have a panic attack you looked around and saw a katana that was covered in blood.. probably quackitys.

You grabbed it with no hesitation and opened the door you ran out and got pinned to a wall by blood covered dream
He laughed

He yelled as the katana slipped out your hands, dream Catches it as he stands back stabbing it through your shoulder blade making you scream loudly as blood dripped down your pink shirt you began to sob uncontrollably as he laughed pulling it out making you fall

as you got up he jumped on you pinning you to the floor as he picked up the sledge hammer he brought and lifted it
you cried and begged as he swung it down when it was about to hit your face you woke up screaming

Mcytx reader (One shots) (basically all sapnap)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora