Late night streams and anime

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You were playing on the dream smp you looked at you clock and it was 1am you sighed and Unmuted your mic

"Hey guys I think imma go it's getting really late-" you said

"WOMEN DONT GO ARE YOU REALLY THAT WEAK THAT YOU GET TIRED AT 1A-" tommy screamed and you threw your headset off


"Babe are you okay??" Sapnap said

"Yea yea I'm fine. Goodnight." You said before you logged off you heard nick say

"I'm coming over."

*Nick's pov

"Tommy what the hell you know she cant handle being yelled at!" You hissed with venom in your tone

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I forgot okay!"
Tommy sighed

"Fucks sake tommy." You sighed and left the call

*Y/N pov

I started shaking and crying..
Why the hell did he yell at me
He knows I cant handle yelling
Why did he yell

I'm so tired

I cant breathe..

Your thoughts were interrupted by a banging on your front door

"Y/n?! Its nick, I'm here honey open the door"
He said in a tone that was calm and soft

You couldnt breathe
You couldnt speak
Tears rolled down your face 

Next thing you know the door flew open and you were scooped into his arms you buried your face into his chest

"Hey hey...its okay I'm here now..its okay your safe no one is gonna yell at you now..."

nick said softly into your ear as the kept you close and hummed as he cradled you in his arms

"Just breathe with me okay.."
He said

You nodded and smiled slightly

He said as you breathed in

"And...out.." he said
As you breathed out slowly

You both repeated that a few times

________time skip_______

He picked you up and walked to your living room and placed you onto the couch
He then grabbed blankets and pillows

He gave you one of his hoodies which you immediately put on

It was very big on you and it made you happy

He then made you hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows
He brought it to you

You smiled and cuddled him as you both huddled into the blankets and pillows as he put on y/f/a (your favourite anime)

You both smiled and enjoyed eachothers presence

You snuggled into him

"I love you nick..."
You said with tiredness dripping in your voice

"I love you too honeycomb.."
He said softy as you fell asleep cuddling him


Hey guys sorry for like dying I guess I haven't been to well so I apologise thank you all for 80k reads ❤

Mcytx reader (One shots) (basically all sapnap)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin