chapter eight

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lillie 🤎

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lillie 🤎

hey lillie! my brother is playing a rugby match against st john's today, i was wondering if you wanna come??

i would love too! i love rugby:))

cool, you can meet me at my house.
my address is....

okay! thanks mims<33


naomi got out of bed and got changed, she put on mascara and lipgloss and she brushed her hair. she walked downstairs and grabbed an apple. she scrolled on her phone. a knock fell on the door. she walked up and opened it. "lillie!" she smiled, "hey naomi!" lillie said, hugging her.


lillie and naomi walked into the kitchen. "you got here quick." naomi said. "oh, yeah i live down the road." she smiled. "seriously? that's so cool!!" naomi said. the pair started joking around until it was time to go.

the two walked outside and they walked to where the match was. they shared an earphone and they listened to lillies playlist, it was mainly girl in red and the neighbourhood, naomi didn't mind, the neighbourhood was her favourite band.

sweater weather started playing. naomi smiled. lillie looked over at her and smiled. she started humming the song. blush clouded over lillies face. they finally got there. "hey guys, this is lillie." naomi said. "hey." lillie said, waving. they all introduced themselves, she saw nick and she waved. nick waved back. charlie ran over, he hugged elle. "oh my god i missed you!!" charlie said. "uh, excuse me? where's our hug?" tao said. "i see you all the time." he said, rolling his eyes. "oh, so this is tara and darcy and this is naomi and lillie." elle said. "hey charlie." naomi smirked. he chuckled lightly. "hi, nice to meet you." lillie said. "nice to meet you too." charlie smiled. "charlie, my man. i'm not gunna lie to you i'm mainly here to get acquainted with the local gays." darcy joked. lillie laughed. "but you know, you and nick nelson are looking suspiciously couple-y." she said. "oh my god ignore her." tara butt in. "we're friends, he's my friend." charlie said. naomi looked at him, he looked at the floor. "well friends as in friends or friends as in friends." darcy smirked. "darcy!" elle said. " there rumors or..?" charlie said. "no, no. nothing but my gay intuition." darcy joked. "i promise, we're totally platonic good friends." charlie replied. "okay, disappointing but okay." darcy said. a swarm of nicks friends appeared. "oh look, it's the ally." lillie joked. darcy laughed. "i love this kid." she said.

nick ran over to his mates. the other team came out. "" naomi said. "oh wow." tara said. everyone was shocked. "why is the other team literally adults.." lillie said. "i have no idea." naomi said. they started cheering. "COME ON NICHOLAS!!" imogen shouted. "who's nicholas?" darcy asked. "that would be nick." naomi said. darcy chuckled. "oh." she said.

"so...does anyone remember the rules of rugby? because i don't." tao said. everyone agreed. "naomi?" he asked. "i don't have a notion." she said. everyone was staring at imogen. "imogen has a crush on nick if that wasn't clear." naomi said. the others nodded. the boys were getting beat, pretty bad. rain started falling. "oh no." naomi said. she was starting to get really cold. "here." lillie said, putting the jacket over her. naomi looked up, seeing as lillie was about four inches taller then her. "thank you." she said. "no problem." lillie smiled.

lillie opened her umbrella, it had little butterflies scattered onto it. charlie got the ball, he got fully knocked over. "oh." elle said. "oh my gosh." tao said. "that had to hurt." darcy added. the seven started shouting encouraging things to charlie. "ITS OKAY! SHAKE IT OFF." tara yelled. naomi smiled at all the encouraging words.

it was visible that the rain had an impact on the match, people were slipping and getting more hurt then they needed to. naomi cringed at some of the falls. harry wrapped his arm around charlie. "for god sake what's he getting up to now." naomi scoffed. tao and elle furrowed their eyebrows. "is harry green picking on charlie?" tao asked. "maybe they're friends?" elle elaborated. "that's even worse!" tao said. "next thing you know... charlie will be inviting the whole rugby team to our film nights and they'll be making us watch avengers or something!" tao said. "is that your nightmare scenario?" elle asked. "watching a movie you hate with people you don't like very much?" elle said. naomi chuckled. "charlies making friends with bullies and our whole friendship group is falling apart! take this seriously elle!" tao said. "hey! i didn't risk coming here and seeing all the truham boys who used to pick on me, just for you to tell me our friendship group is falling apart!" elle said.

they watched the match. it was 35-0. this big lad came running at charlie. charlie tried to tackle him, but had a pretty nasty fall. "charlie!" naomi heard nick shout. nicks 'friends' were laughing at charlie. lillie grabbed naomis hand. she dragged her over there. "what are you laughing at? i'd like to see you try and play. you bellend." lillie said. imogen laughed at what she said. "why you trying to start something?" ben said. "because your being a proper tosser." naomi said. lillie and her walked away and started laughing.

nick stood and looked at charlie. "alright that's it!! i'm calling it!! this rain is too dangerous. match is over! everyone off the pitch!" the coach shouted.


they all walked inside. "naomi!" the coach said. "uh yeah?" she replied. "can you bring these in to charlie spring? he's in the medical room." the coach said, handing her antiseptic wipes. "yeah, sure." naomi said. lillie walked with her, naomi opened the medical room door. she saw nick and charlie having a moment. the two jumped away from eachother "oh..uh.. uh sorry for uh..interrupting but uh, ms. singh told me to give you some uh, antiseptic wipes. i hope your okay." naomi stammered. "uh, okay. bye." she said.
she ran down the hall with lillie and started laughing. "that was embarrassing." naomi said. "you're cute when your nervous." lillie said. naomi looked at her and blushed. lillie looked down and blushed as well.

the pair walked outside. a few minutes later nick came out. imogen started talking. "this is like...really random but uh, would you like to....go out somewhere?? i guess sort of like a" she asked. nick looked at her. "uh.." he started. "go on nick." harry jeered. "uh, yeah...sure." nick said. naomi's face dropped. "come on." nick said. naomi, nick and lillie walked off. "what are you actually playing at?!" naomi whisper yelled. "i don't know!!" he snapped. naomi rolled her eyes.


they walked lillie home. naomi hugged her before she left. "you can keep the jacket, it's cute on you." she whispered into her ear, letting go. naomi smiled. "bye mims!" lillie said. "bye lillie!" she said. nick smirked, elbowing her. "shut up!!" naomi said. "i literally didn't even say anything!" nick said, mocking what she said a while ago. she rolled her eyes as they walked into their house.

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