Reluctant and Hesitant

Start from the beginning

He thinks deeply about this. I hope I didn't just insinuate that he's inadequate at his job!!! I really just need to learn this for the future anyways! If I want to be around all sorts of kids, I'll need to know how to care for all of them!

Suddenly the lights go out! I wasn't even near the light switch!

I'm starting to panic that there's an intruder or something is not right with the electrical system. The nightlights weren't even on! I couldn't see a single thing! My eyes scan the dark to no avail but I keep looking and reaching out for something!

Until I hear his smooth voice continue for Sun, "We can request formal first aid training for you with Mr. Rogers. But don't think for a moment we wouldn't be able to reach an injured child in an emergency"

Oh gosh I totally did just insinuate that they wouldn't be adequate at caring for a child!!' "Mr. Moon! I- I didn't mean it like that!" stop blabbering you! "I just need to learn eventually and I don't think that the two of you wouldn't be able to handle a situation! It's just for me and my worries about standing on the sidelines as a child suffers from something" oh my gosh stop talking! He's going to think less of you! "And I do believe you and Sun are fully capable of running the daycare of your own! I'm here for the experience and to figure out-"

"I see" is all he replies to my rant.

"After hours, the Pizza Plex shuts the lights every few hours or so, in order to save electricity and send power to charging stations" he explains and begins to walk somewhere. I can hear his footsteps (which is weird since I never hear his footsteps, he must be doing it for my sake) since I can't see a thing once his blue eyelights turn away from me.

I'm left standing in the dark for a few minutes until the lights eventually turn back on and Sun is two inches away from my face. I flinch back, but he doesn't seem to take any mind to it.

"New Friend! It's after hours! You can find Vanessa wandering around the Plex! She'll have the key to lead you out!" Although his voice is the same as when he talks to the kids, it's not hard to tell he just wants me out. I get the message, I just don't see why both of them are always trying to shew me out...

"A-alright, thank you Sun and Mr. Moon. I'll head out now, please have a good night" I say turning towards the wooden doors and trying to compose myself. I just wanted to learn how to care for the kids better, not get intimidated by the animatronics, I thought we were actually getting along.

I eventually found a blonde security guard diligently stalking around the Plex. She was quick to shout at me and point a taser my way, but after noticing my badge put it down and let me out. She sounded annoyed the whole time and I really hope I didn't ruin my first interaction with her.

I was tired, but somehow was able to drive home for one and a half hours in light traffic to get home.



"Ello? Who dis?"

"Hey Mr. Rogers it's Rose"

"Ohhhh, got it. I forgot to save your number." I hear a few taps on the screen as I assume he saves my contact, "what can I do for you?"

Come on Rose! You've gone this far, just ask him!

Here goes nothing, "It's about Sun and Mr. Moon"

"They givin you any trouble?" his voice sounds so serious, about two seconds ago it sounded like he just woke up from a nap.

"No, nothing like that. I just..." just say it! "...was wondering if you knew their thoughts on me?"

"That's an odd question"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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