"Miss! You came to draw with us!"

The other four kids at the table turn their heads, not used to the company.

"I hope you all don't mind that I came to draw." I smile at them

Two of the kids look like twins and they have absolutely no interest in me, at least they're not outright telling me to leave.

Abby looks excited though, "this is my new friend Emma! She likes to draw too! She says that one day she's going to be a movie star", the new girl Emma tugs on Abby's sleeve and whispers something in her ear, "Ohhhhh, Emma says she wants to make movies with her drawings an amanator?"

"Oh, Emma, you want to be an animator? I had a friend in college who became an animator"

Emma speaks for herself this time, "r-really?"

"Yep! She had to practice for years, but she now animates for a small animation studio in Japan"

One of the little boys who kept silent until now begins to flail his arms around. It takes me a minute to realize he's speaking in sign.

Before I can decipher anything Abby speaks up again, "That's Mark, he can't talk. He makes weird hands to tell us things!"

So they don't know sign language? I mean I wouldn't expect a tiny child to have studied it, but at least heard of it?

"Mark speaks in Sign, watch", Mark begins to bring his hands close to his chest and moves them all around.

I begin to explain things to Abby and Emma. Soon the twins look very interested and we make a little circle, Mark looks a little bashful, maybe he's not used to positive attention?

"Mark says he used to live in Japan", I say.


"Heya Mark, do you want to tell us a little about Japan?"

His eyes flash with a little spark and I'm glad I was able to give him a moment to shine.

Soon I'm teaching my little group of five some basic signs. This is actually really fun and engaging! Finally something I can actually do without being reminded that I have no stamina!

"And this is how we say thank you" I announce as I bring my right hand to my face, palm inward and bring it forward.

Emma, despite her earlier shyness exclaims in sign 'thank you flower' I assume she was trying to say Rose, but flower works too! I guess teaching the alphabet will be for a later day then!

I spell out her name 'your welcome E-M-M-A'.

Soon we're all talking to Mark in rudimentary sign. Mark isn't deaf so he can hear us just fine, but now for once someone can hear him.

I like this job


It took a long while but finally I think I'm reaching maximum tiredness.

We already had another nap time, but instead of sleeping I helped to rock Abby and Emma to sleep. They ended up falling asleep leaning on me, so I couldn't move. At least this time Mr. Moon didn't seem too annoyed at my presence.

After nap time, Sun stalled for a moment when addressing me.



"You can take a nap in the plush corner if you're tired"

"I'll be fi-"

"No no no friend, please! Abby said you need a nap"

Oof, that kid is definitely observant. She seems to become friends with everyone, and understands the tiredness that comes with being an adult. Wow, this kid probably grew up in an unstable environment. Since her big sister was kicked out of the house, I can only assume she came back to get Abby away from their mother. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for her, she doesn't like loud noises so that's already a giveaway that something was wrong. Maybe-

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