Chapter 10

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I fly down and hover above the ground. I spot where Sonic and Knuckles are skiing and fly fast as my green wings flow in the wind.

'Man these wings would have been so helpful earlier....'

I end up catching up to them and zoom by easily. They look up at me in shock, stopping their fight, but they continue skiing downhill.

"Y/n?! Since when could you fly?! SINCE WHEN DID YOU HAVE WINGS?!" Sonic asked In both excitement and confusion.

I shrug towards him. Knuckles snaps out of his awe like state and glares at us both.

"Don't play dumb hedgehog!! You know how they have this power!! And you want it all to yourself!!"

"What?! No!! I want to protect them from people like Robotnik!!" Sonic shouts

"Do not lie to me! The doctor has told me everything about your true intentions!!" Knuckles said not believing Sonic's words

I groan in annoyance and without thinking I said, "Why can't you get it through your thick skull!! Robotnik is the lier not us!! God for someone so adorable, you are such a gullible idiot!!"

Knuckles widen his eyes and for moment felt his heart Skip a beat but shook his head and slapped his face and glared once more, with a slight noticeable blush.

"Your flattery will not take down my guard!!" As he said that he hit a tree due to not watching his surroundings.

I just roll my eyes before noticing a ledge coming up and I widen them.

"Sonic look out!!" I warn him. He gasps and starts trying to stop but he wasn't stopping fast enough and he fell off the ledge. I dove after him and just before he fall farther I grabbed him and pulled him up. Then rings he was carrying unfortunately fell off his shoulder and down into the snow.

I set him down on the ground to which he thanks me for saving him. I only nod then see Knuckles approach us again.

Sonic groans, "Has anyone ever told you that you have major anger issues?!"

Knuckles only glared at him, "You mock me with your weak jokes hedgehog!! But you know nothing about me!"

I stand by just in case I need to fly Sonic to safety. Tails told me about what happened before when the two fought and I would rather not have to watch that happen and experience it firsthand...

"I know you echidnas like to show up and ruin my life!!" Sonic glared back

"Another weak joke?! I lost everything because of you!" Knuckles retorts

I raised my eyebrows in concern, feeling sympathetic.

Knuckles closes his eyes and sighs, "My tribe was going to war, they had just found one of the last of the owl warriors. I went to join but my father stopped me before I could go. He told me that I would have my moment where I will honor my family, but it was not this moment. That was the last thing he said to me...and I never saw him again..."

I widen my eyes at that saying and flashback of my father telling me that hit like a train.

'You can't choose that moment to help....'

'That moment chooses you.'

'Look at you!! You're so smart!!'

I felt tears build up in my eyes but I don't cry. I just silently shake as I clutch onto myself for support.

Sonic looks at me solemnly and looks at Knuckles, "Seems like we all lost something...."

Knuckles drops his guard a bit and stares at Sonic and I with empathetic gaze. I hear Tails's voice shout and watch him throw something and it captures Knuckles in a tight restraint. Knuckles hisses in pain and yells towards Sonic.

"Lier!! You deceived me!!"

"No thats-Tails you have to take the compass and go!!" I watch as he prepares to throw the compass I got to stop him but it was already in motion. Robotnik ended appearing and snatching the compass away and freeing Knuckles.

"Oh! So close! Oh well it's mine now! Finders keepers!" Robotnik smirks

He then set off an explosion causing us to fly backwards and off the ledge. I blacked out for a good 5 seconds before I open my eyes. I get and gasp as Tails is passed out in snow with Sonic trying to wake him up.

'No no no no....not again please I can't lose someone else important to me in my' I felt myself start to panic as it started to get harder to breathe but somehow I remained calm. I then here a noise and watch as an avalanche starts falling towards.


"Sonic we need to move!!" I say to him. Sonic turns around and widens his eyes. I hear Robotnik say something in the air.

"Knuckles. You know what to do. Get Y/n. You want to protect them from Sonic the power hungry hedgehog don't you??" He says manipulating him

Knuckles nods and jumps down grabbing the ski bored again and slides towards us. Without a second thought I grabbed Tails in my arms and fly upwards.

"Sonic can you still ski with your bored!!?" I ask hastily. He picks the bored and nods and starts to skin down the mountain. I follow after him keeping Tails close to me to protect him.

He then looks up at me and ask, "Do you still have my phone?!"

"Yea!! Why is this important?!" I ask back while taking out the phone

"I have to Call Tom!! I know you don't want it but he has a ring that can potentially get us out of here!!"

I hesitated but I know that it's the only way. I fly down towards him and gave him his phone and he calls Tom.

I look back to see if Knuckles was near and almost screamed at how close he was getting to us. Tom finally picked up.

"Sonic what is so important that-Are you skiing?" He asks

"Look!! Life or death situation here!! Remember that ring I gave you? I need you to use it!! Like right now or Me, Tails, and Y/n are gonna be-" he was cutoff

"Wait Y/n is there with you?! Are they ok?!" He asked worriedly

"Not the time Uncle Tom!! We need you to imagine this and help us get out here!" I say and turn the camera around

"Fine!! But when I see you we're gonna have a serious talk!!" He shouts.

"Save now. Lecture later!!" I shout

I once again turn around and see Knuckles hot on our track. I stare at Tails and Sonic before nodding to myself. It took a couple minutes but the portal finally appeared. I handed Tails to Sonic. To which he was confused.

"Y/n?! What are you-"

I launched them through the portal. I then stopped and floated by the portal watching it close. For a moment Sonic looked into my eyes with worry and fear. But I just smiled at him and mouthed a thank you. Sure he won't know what I'm thankful for....but I sure do...the portal was now closed.

'If Robotnik is after me because of the emerald piece...then there's no point in trying to runaway and risking others to get hurt...Thank you Sonic for making me feel again. You've truly shown me how to be better....Thank you Tails for making feel not alone...and Knuckles...Thank you for showing me not to give up easily...'

I watch as Knuckles comes to a complete stop before me and Robotnik comes hovering down.

I sigh to myself, 'Alright...let's get this over with...'

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