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❛ if you want to love me and protect me,

why do you hurt me instead?❜


IT felt like a dream, everything was a blur in high school for most. but for Yejun, it was the worst, in fact, she still has terrible insomnia because of it. The constant things she's had to heal and pick at her terrible, all for a bitch of a friend who didn't even have the decency to protect her.

Yes, it was in fact Iseul who cause this all, the terrible crack in between Wooyoung and Yejun that still taking its precious time to heal back. Iseul was a good friend in Yejun's eyes, she had so much love for her.

They were best friends for a very long time, at least around grade 3 in elementary did they really become close. Their connection stayed like that up til senior year, the year where everything seemed to go to shit. 

Iseul becomes a screw-up and made Yejun pick up all her pieces, mainly because Yejun knows something everybody doesn't. Instead of Iseul to trust Yejun, she hurts her and threatens her. Yejun let it happen, all of it. she thought she would change after a while, that was wrong though.

She never changed back but further down the other way. Before Iseul would be all over Yejun, showering her with compliments, giving her snacks, kissing her cheek playfully. After, she would point out Yejun's insecurities in front of boys she liked, she would take Yejun to corners and "vent" to her about how she's stressed then blame it all on Yejun. 

Because Yejun was on a lost path in her friendship with Iseul, she took the insults, she lead herself to think maybe it was her other friends that have stressed her out due to pure pressure. Yejun would often take Iseul home after she'd gotten drunk during their senior days. 

That was until Wooyoung showed interest in Yejun. He had a boyish smile and a beauty mark near his eye the opposite of hers. she thought he was beautiful in a way. ' You look really beautiful , Wooyoung would sometimes say. He'd always try to talk to Yejun in any way, with or without excuse. 

One day, he said he'd confess to the girl he'd like and did. Except, Iseul tried to meddle in between. She knew what time Wooyoung wanted Yejun to show up, but Iseul came earlier and made up lies about Yejun to Wooyoung, putting her in the bad spotlight.

Wooyoung didn't believe a word, they both continued on in a relationship. Studying together, eating together, Wooyoung had completely replaced Iseul and she was upset about that. She wanted to continue making Yejun the reason for all her bad actions, but it was hard when Wooyoung was in the picture. 

At a party the two lovebirds had been invited to, Iseul put a drug in Wooyoung's drink, making him very drunk and swell in words. She convinced him to say he hated Yejun, it was terrible for Yejun. There was a whole recorded video of it, Yejun knew Wooyoung wouldn't purposely say something as stupid as that, he was drunk. But it was worse than that, Iseul made him say she was a bet when she wasn't. 

It broke the two off, officially. The end of the year flew by fast, college started. It was only later that Yejun realized, Wooyoung goes to the same college as her, so she would be seeing him occasionally.

Instead of holding a grudge, Yejun wanted to reconnect. It's been so long since she's truly seen his face, his features had matured, along with his voice and hair, and he still had the same pretty smile that looped around Yejun's heart.

Yejun knew it at that moment, she doesn't want to end ties yet. She wants to try again, maybe better this time. There was no more Iseul to meddle in between the both of them. She wanted to at least kiss him, hug him, and love him once more. 

' Please wait for my heart to start forming for you until I can truly love you, I'm not sure if I might accidentally break in mid-sentence ,

𓄼 ♡ 𓄹

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