Bad poker (C)

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A man named Chip sailed across the sea with his new crew of..
Whom was apart of this crew?
Him, and a girl he'd convinced to join: Jay.
The girl was a Ferin... like Drea.
Drea was a member of his old crew, and apparently Jay's uncle.
But in chips totally humongous, ginormous ship (as chip would describe it, despite the fact its encredibly small) they were a new crew.
The old crew... well.. you probably heard it in the news.
Giant ship destroyed, whirlpool, death..
Yeah, that was the day chip lost his only father figure..
He'd felt so empty without...
Oh well, he'd find him, one day.
"Hey chip,, I think there's an island over there."
"Oh! Huh?"
"Oh." Chip blinked as he looked at the island he'd been pointed to.
He was spacing out, "right! Onward! "
Chip changed the way the ship was facing as Jay stood watch
Right as they were about to bump into the island Jay saw something.
"Chip... I think I see something,,, should we investigate? "
Chip tapped on the wheel, "Yeah, probably.  Hopefully there's some gold in it for us."
Jay snorted, "Jeez you're such a bastard." She whispered under her breath.
"What was that?" Chip replied to her snarky comment she whispered.
"Nothing,, don't worry." She replied,  hands slightly sticking out of her pockets.
Chip nodded, "well.. better now then never?"
"Huh" Jay's head tilted.
"I mean we should jump off the boat now."
"Oh. Well your phrasing sucked."
Chip hopped off the boat, almost face planting.
Jay followed laying on her knee and feet, like a super hero pose.

The two stood up, chip needed a little help standing up.
The two walked toward the thing they saw..
It was blue, and green.
It was.., a person???
"Oh my god Jay... its a person."
"Seems so,,,"
"Should we go up to them?"
"Do... you think thats a good idea?"
"Maybe they're asleep and we can get some gold off them."
"... god you really are a pirate. "
"Come Oh! This can be our..first mission together! "
"Mission?" Jay mocked
"Listen I don't know what to call it!"
"Okay shut your mouth or they're gonna greet us before we greet them"
The two walked closer to the person again.
"Uh,, hello?" Chip started awkwardly.
Jay looked at chip, her eyes halfway closed in disappointment.
"Listen that's the be-"
Both Jay and chips heads snapped to this individual.
"Uh hi, I'm jay..?"
"Nice to meet you!" Gillion chirped in response his head dipping slightly.
"I'm chip!"
Gillion nodded at the others introduction.
"Yes, so what are you both doing here?" Gillion asked his voice rounding at the end.
"Well we just sailed here to look around."
"Mhm, and we saw you."
"Ah I see! Well I certainly didn't see the both of you!"
"Oh! Oh Jay I have an idea."
"So fish guy, do you wanna join the crew?"
"The... crew?.. do you mean your school?"
"Like... ah what's the humanoid word... hmm uh"
"Group?" jay asked.
"Ah yes! Group?"
"Oh- Uh yeah, thats what I meant."
"Okay! I will join your 'crew!'"
"Okay." Chip said,  his voice raising a little in excitement.

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