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" All set, Captain.", said Dietrich. " Sylvie, transmit 'pulse', Hato, Inori, prepare to take us out.", said Virginia. The 'pulse' was sent out, and

Mozart moved out of 'Null Space', after.

" Captain, is THAT Earth?", asked Inori. Seeing the different continnent formations, Virginia said, " Gassion. Send 'General Distress Broadcast',

all frequencies and bands."


Two teams of law enforcement, secured a final 'incident' scene. " Thanks, Sargent Hondo." It was easy, thanks to your friends, Agents Hannah."

" Guys, I'm getting this wierd...,"  Streets comment was cut off by,

* " C *BBBBZZZZTTTT* Mozart * BBBBZZZZTTTT* GEneral Distress, respond." *

" This is Sargent Hondo Herroison. You are on, a SWAT tactical frequency." " Virginia Robertson, Commander, CJFW Mozart, we are lost...,"


" I don't know,Hondo. A 'crew' of young 'Witches' , claiming to be lost from another, 'Earth'?", asked Hicks.

" I know how it sounds, but what did you expect, ugly, skeleton faced, big brain aliens, with ray guns, to reduce you to ash and skeleton?",

asked Hondo. " I musy agree with Sgt. Hondo, Commander Hicks. But, at the same time, national security is a 'must' always.", said

Killbride. " Besides, SWAT H.Q. , is secured without 'intimidation'.", said Hondo.

Then, three columns of light appeared. After, ' dissapating', ..., " Captain Virginia Robertson, CJFW MOZART. First OFFicer, Alia Linnamaa.

Science/Tactical, Sylvie Cariello." The three head males, could not process, what they see.

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