A Gift From the Lord

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It was nighttime in the town of Capernum. The dark sky only made darker by the stormclouds above as rain drops fell on to the Sea of Galilee, and the homes of the Capernum people, most of whom were asleep.

Most, except for one person.

Simon, son of Jonah, sat on a bench in the corner of his room, in his arms, his tiny, newborn baby daughter, Hannah, only a few days old. Eden was sleeping (she definitely needed it), Simon had gotten up when he heard the baby fussing. His mother in law, Dasha, offered to take care of her so he could rest, but Simon refused. He wanted to spend as much time with her as he could. He knew he only had a few more weeks before he went back on the road with Jesus and the others, so he wanted to soak up as much time with her while she was still a newborn. He knew that most fathers didn't do this if they didn't have to, but Simon didn't care. He was in a special circumstance anyway.

Simon still couldn't believe he was a father. He remembered when Eden had first told him she was pregnant. It was just after Jesus had finished giving His big sermon on the mountain. Sense this was the first time he and Eden had seen each other in a month or so, they had went off on their own to talk. She asked him how traveling with the Messiah was. He told her about the sore feet and blisters, the food shortages. He told her about different miracles Jesus performed. He told her about Matthew, and how he was starting to see him more as a person after the whole situation with Mary.
Then he asked how things were at home. She said they were good, for the most part. Sometimes things got hard, and she missed him an awful lot. As Eden spoke, Simon noticed that she was fiddling with her hands. Something she did when she was nervous.

"Eden? What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're fiddling with your hands. You're nervous about something."

Eden took a deep breath.

"Simon, there's something I have to tell you."
Eden turned to face Simon and put her hands on his face.

"I'm pregnant."

They were only two little words, but those words sent Simon through a whirlwind of emotions.

He told Eden he was happy, but on the inside, he was scared to death.

How could he be a good father? It wasn't that long ago he had been gambling and getting into fights. And he had a bad temper, a trait he inherited from his own father. How could he be a good role model for his child? What if he did it wrong?

Simon kept these thoughts to himself for a while. But one thing lead to another and he found himself telling Jesus about his worries.

"Simon, I know why you are scared,  but don't worry. This child will change you in ways you will not expect. Children are a gift from the Lord, and they are to be treasured. Know that your strength comes from God. Come to Him when you are afraid, and He will guide you and give you wisdom. You can't be a perfect father, for there is only one perfect Father in heaven. But you will be a great father. You care very deeply for the people around you, and you are protective. I think your child will be very grateful to have you as a father."

Simon was comforted by his words. He was also comforted when Eden told him that she was also nervous. They took comfort in each other.

Now, as he held little Hannah in his arms, with her dark hair, beautiful face and tiny hands, he felt an overwhelming sense of peace, the strength Jesus had told him about. He never realized how such a tiny thing could pierce his heart like this. He had only known her for two days but already loved her with all his being. He vowed to protect her always, and to teach her the same things Jesus was teaching them.

Hannah was named after his own Eema, the first woman to ever love him. The one who taught him about God and the story of the people of Israel. She was still alive in Bethsaida, but she was older, and getting on in years. Simon made a note to go visit her as soon as he could.

In two weeks would be Hannah's official name day and dedication at the temple, and Simon couldn't help but wonder if the officials would accept them, as he was a follower of Jesus, and many of the religious leaders (ie Shumel) were not a fan of him.

Regardless of what would happen, he already knew that his daughter had been blessed. The day before, Jesus and the rest of the apostles, plus Mary, Mother Mary, Tamar, and Ramah, came over to see Hannah and to congratulate Simon (Eden had to stay in her room, for she was unclean from giving birth). All of them took turns holding the baby. Andrew, of course, was excited about being a new uncle, and Simon was genuinely worried that he would drop her. But it was when Jesus held her that he felt a surreal feeling in him. Seeing the Messiah hold your firstborn, it was something incredible. Simon briefly thought back to when Mothers had brought their children to one of Jesus's teachings, asking for Jesus to lay his hands on them. Simon had been one of the ones to turn them away, but Jesus stoped them, and said to suffer the little children unto him.
Simon now understood why those mothers had wanted their children to meet Jesus. And he was forever grateful for that moment.

Simon carefully got up and placed Hannah down in her cradle (which Jesus made for her, another thing Simon was amazed by) and kissed her little face.

"Good night, little love."

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