the facility

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In the park we see a yellow haired kid running from a man.
"Come back here brat"
The man said as Naruto ran with a peice of bread in his hands. Naruto was fast and lost him in an ally way.
" that was close wasn't it kurama."
Naruto said holding out a monster card from duel monsters infront of him. It may seem werid to others but this card was the only thing Naruto has. Narutos parents died when he was born and grew up in an orphanage. Nobody really liked him except for two. Reginald and Rio castle, they were orphans to but was liked by everyone. Naruto left the orphanage a year ago but still kept in contact with them(hes 6 at the moment). Climbing up a wall Naruto goes into an abandoned apartment. It was run down and the wall was broken down so you could see the outside. Chowing down on his bread Naruto hears a bell down below. The sound was the single him and his friends had so Naruto knew it was them.
"Hey guys."
Naruto said as the castle siblings climbed up.
"Hey Naruto, you still living in this crap hole."
Reginald or shark as he likes to be called smirks at him.
"Be nice Reginald"
Rio said smacking him up side the head.
"Hahaha its fine, he just jealous he can't have the best view in heartland city."
Naruto said. It was true, they could see all of the city from where they are.
Shark huffed as they laugh at him.
" so Naruto are you really not coming back?"
Rio asked hopfully as Naruto sighs
" we talked about this, I'm never going back to that place. I can live on my own just fine."
Naruto said crossing his arms as Rio pouted.
"I know but I worry about you."
Rio said as Naruto looks away with a blush. Shark smirks at them finding them cute. They play duel monster with random cards they found till they had to get back to the orphanage.
" by Naruto see you tomorrow."
Rio said waving.
"Don't get yourself killed idiot."
Shark said as Rio hit him again.
" don't say that brother!"
Rio said pulling him by the ear as Naruto laughed. Later that night Naruto couldn't sleep so he went for a walk in the city. As he was walking down the street he was grabbed by some guy. The man holds Naruto putting a cloriform rag on his face as Naruto struggles. Once he falls asleep the man pulls him into a van.
"Dam kid had some fight to him."
The guy said to the driver.
" good, maybe he'll survive longer then others."
The driver said as they drive off into the night. Naruto wakes up and is a white room with nothing but a duel disk and goggles.
"Where the hell am I!"
Naruto yelled as an intercom comes on.
"Hello subject 135, you are know part of expermit to enhance a duelist potential. Put on the duel disk and headset to begin. We have taken the liberty of making you a deck using your only good card."
A vocie said
"What no way, go fuck yourselves and let me out of here."
Naruto yelled angry
"Sigh another one. If you do not participate nothing will happen. You will stay in there till you die of starvation. If you win, you can eat and drink."
The vocie said as Naruto sat down.
"Fuck you."
Naruto said as the intercom shut off. Later Naruto became hungry, had no idea how long its been since talking to that guy. He started to feel really weak and looked at the duel disk.
Naruto said before putting on the duel disk and headset. He is transported into a platform with nothing but darkness around them.
" hello."
Naruto calls out.
"Challenger prepare for battle."
A guy says behind Naruto. He turns around and is shocked to see the monster jinso.
"Woah your jinzo."
Naruto said as jinzo growls at him.
"Ebough talk human time for battle."
Jinzo said as five cards appear infront of him. Naruto seeing that there dueling now sighs and draws five cards. (L is life points)
Jinzo- 4000L
Naruto- 4000L

"I'll go First, I summon malice doll of demise in atk mode (1600 atk, 1700 def, fiend/dark level 4)"

A doll with ax come on the field.

"Next I'll activate the spell card ectoplasmer! This fiendish spirt allows each player to sacrifice one monster at the end of the turn then half of there atk points are dealt as damage to the opposing player"

When jinzo activated his card a spirt wraps around his monster then went for Naruto. It went through Naruto and he felt a lot of pain.
Naruto yelled in pain falling to his knee.
" what was that"
Naruto said but jinso just laughs as,Narutos life points went down.

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