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     Good thing Louis and Harry had every class together. I mean, Harry would snap out of it by gym, right? (Fucking Two Ghosts is on, I'm gonna go cry brb-) Wrong. Louis had to try and get Big Harry to come back so he could have Gym. "Harry, babe, you gotta come back." Louis said with his hands on Harry's shoulders. "Nuuuu 'm happy when 'm little." Harry said, pouting with his arms crossed.
They were in the locker room in the corner where Harry sat in his bum with his legs extended in front of him and opened, like he was about to do a middle split, which he was capable of. "Curly, you can go back to being a little right after Gym, okay?" Louis tried to persuade. Harry expression changed, "really?! Right after gym??" "Mhm, right after." Louis confirmed. Suddenly, Harry closed his eyes and looked really focused. Then his expression came worried. "W-what? Uh I-I-i-I'm sorry f-f-for the t-trouble I don't k-k-know why I s-s-s-slipped. Pleas d-d-don't hate m-me." Harry stuttered, tears welling up in his eyes. "No, no, no. Harry I could never hate you. You were too cute and I really enjoyed it." Louis smiled at him. He smiled back and then looked as if he'd realized something. "I didn't call you something I shouldn't have, did I?!" He said. Guessing he meant "daddy". "No, love" Louis chuckled as he sighed.
    "Could you c-c-cover me w-w-while I-I change? I g-g-get scared." Harry asked. Louis practically cooed at Harry's embarrassment. "Mhm" he hummed in reply. Louis stood in front of Harry as Harry stripped of his skirt. He had... pink lace panties on?! No wonder he got scared, Louis thought. They sure did look good on him too.
  Harry's Gym Outfit:

    Harry would never get dress coded because there wasn't really a dress code for gym

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    Harry would never get dress coded because there wasn't really a dress code for gym. If they dress coded him, they'd have to dress code all the guys for wearing tank tops and all the girls wearing booty shorts. It would make too much of a problem. Harry put on a pair of pink trainers.
    Harry's pink trainers:

    Harry's pink trainers:

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    "Thanks, L-l-Lou." He thanked and went on his tippy toes to kiss Louis cheek. Louis flushed and got dressed into some basketball shorts and a casual white tee.
    They jogged out to the court and Louis jogged behind Harry. Not intentionally but Louis was glad because he could see Harry's thighs and ass on full display. Louis hadn't noticed or looked before but it was as Harry was showcasing.

    And he was. Harry was putting on a show for Louis just because he could. As a thank you maybe? He didn't know. He jsut swayed his hips a little extra, and came down harder than normal.
     "Okay pair up. We're yoga today." The coach said monotonously. A chorus of groans  and moans were heard. Harry grabbed my wrist. "B-be my p-p-partner?" Harry asked, smiling brightly. "Of course." "Okay, pick a yoga mat and when we're all settled, we'll begin. Look, I don't wanna do this as much as you do, but being sluggish is just gonna take more of your time and I'm getting payed, so it doesn't bother me." She lectured. She was nice, but she hated her job; she didn't like having co-workers.
    They picked a lavender yoga mat, per Harry's request. He sat down cross-cross able sauce. "I'm really flexible." Harry said, crossing his arms in triumph. "Oh really?" I smirked. His looked dropped and he flushed. "Not like that!" He giggled and I chuckled back. After about 10 minutes the coach finally blew her whistle. "Okay, okay, all eyes in the screen, all eyes on the screen. This is your first position." She said. She had one of those big TVs that rolled around on a cart.
    The yoga pose:

    Why we're the peoples face so close? How the hell are these two semi-love birds gonna do this without it being awkward as hell? "Yeah, yeah, the faces are close and some of you are in boy boy pairs and girl girl pairs

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    Why we're the peoples face so close? How the hell are these two semi-love birds gonna do this without it being awkward as hell? "Yeah, yeah, the faces are close and some of you are in boy boy pairs and girl girl pairs. Look, if you're not gay, don't worry about. If you are, I will gladly play match maker." She explained. Louis and Harry both loved her to bits. "3,2,1 go I guess?" She said. So Lou and Haz got to work.
    "Okay, so, give me your hands." Louis instructed Harry. Harry did so obediently. "'K, so, we just lean in I guess?" Louis said. They both leaned in and it was quite uneven seeing that Harry was merely 5'6 and Louis was about 6'0. (Shhh i know unrealistic but go with it.) Harry shakily breather out, boy he hoped his breath didn't stink. Louis almost cracked a smile because the boys breath smelled like peppermints, seeing her eaten like five after lunch. 
    They stared into each other's eyes. They knew it was too early to kiss but they could at least admire each other's faces. Louis looked deep into Harry's forest green eyes. They were so fricken gorgeous as they gazed into his cold blue ones. "Styles, Tomlinson, I ship it." Coach said, chuckling. "Fook you, coach." "You'd better be glad Im your cigarette mom or esle I'd beat your ass." She snickered as Harry blushed. "Okay, guys, you did alright with the first position. We had minimum kissing.... For some." She said looking at another boy and boy pair. "Right, so this is the next position."

The position:


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    Oh to hell with this, Louis thought. Why are all these yoga positions so touchy? "Don't just sit there's string get to work!" She looked and Harry and Louis. Harry blushed but Louis just smirked. "Righto, Curly, I'm not going to stand on your bum so you're on top." Louis smirk remaining on his face. Harry nearly choked on air. "O-o-okay." He said. Louis went into a push up position. Harry wanted to be cool. He thought he'd kick off into a handstand backwards and then let his get softly his Louis bum in the process. Easy peasy. Harry backed up a little bit and didn't even tick his shirt in. He kicked up into the hand stand and slowly let his legs fall down and feet touch Louis bum. He was too focus on the fact he didn't want to hurt Louis bum, that he didn't noticed that his handstand landed a little to close to Louis push-up plank. So their faces smacked together, them kissing in the process.

OKAY SO VAS HAPPIN??? I KNOW ITS ALOT OKAY AND THIS WOULDN'T  EVER HAPPEN IRL BUT LIKE THEY KISSED-? Anyway! How will Harry react??? Will he run way? How will Louis react? Will he take it further?? I don't have anything else to say so bye!!!

Song of the day: The Other Woman by Lana del Rey

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