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(Sam's pov)
After me and Deena told Kate and Simon about us I felt an unfamiliar weight get off my shoulders. We aren't exactly official girlfriends but I really want to be. I think I'm gonna ask her tonight.

We are now walking to our next class and we still have 3 classes left. We have English now. Easy.

Me, Deena, Kate and Simon all have the same class now which I love.

Me and Deena go sit as usual in the back row and Simon and Kate on the places in front of us.

The teacher walks into the class and greets us as we greet her back.

"Okay take your books on page 178." The teacher says getting straight to the point.

I sigh and take my book out of my bag. And suddenly I hear the door open and Deena starts leaning on me so I can't get up to put my book on my desk.

"Deena what are you doing?" I whisper my head almost in my bag.

"Shht!" She whispers as quiet as possible.

I'm confused but before I can say anything else I hear the voice of my mom in the classroom.

"Is Samantha here?" She asks. "She has to come with me."

Kate and Simon turn to Deena and see what she's doing and try to hold back from laughing.

"No, miss Fraser." Simon says. "Sam is in another class right now."

"Deena why in God's name are you hiding Sam under her desk?" A girl in our class asks to which I get really annoyed and I hear my mom walking towards my desk.

When she arrives at the back row of the classroom. Deena tries to keep hiding me even though she knows it wouldn't work anymore.

"Samantha get up right now. Get away from her." She says in an angry tone.

Deena slowly gets off me as I slowly get my head up to look at my mom.

"You need to come with me Sam, something happened to your dad and he's in the hospital."

I don't believe her. She always lies about these things. Before Deena can stand up for me my dad runs into the classroom.

"Hy, sorry to disturb. I'm Sam's dad. Sheila, let's go. You don't get to choose who she's friends with and find some stupid excuse to get her home from school." He says as he walks to my mom and I smile at him.

Before my mom lets him drag her out of the classroom since she doesn't know what to say my dad gives me a kiss on my forehead.

"Have a good afternoon. See you soon, Sam." He says and then leaves again with my mom.

"What the hell was that?" The teacher asks.

"Nothing, let's just move on." I say and sigh as I open my book on page 178.

"Sam, are you okay? If you want to talk to someone you can tell us." This b*tch thinks I'm gonna tell the whole class about my problematic life.

"It's okay, really." I say fast since I saw Deena getting angry and about to yell something.

We continue with the lesson and I just want to go and lay in Deena's bed with her. I take Deena's hand under the desk and lay it on my lap since no one is paying attention to us and everyone's listening to the teacher. I look over at her and see that she's blushing which makes me smile.

Our class English is over and me and Deena told Simon and Kate that we were planning on going home early. So after we did that we walk to Deena's car and the second we both get in the car I kiss Deena with everything in me and she kisses me back with the same energy.

I missed touching her all day and I couldn't hold back anymore.

When we pull away we both smile as we look at each other.

"I missed kissing you." I admit looking down at my lap with a smile as I feel my cheeks grow hot.

"I missed kissing you too, Sam. So much." Deena says with a smile and her cheeks are tinged pink.

She's just amazing.

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