Kurama was smirking by now.

"Okay~" Naruto chuckled. He bit his finger and slammed his hand onto the floor. "Summoning!" Naruto shouted.

A cloud of smoke poofed, once the smoked vanished, there stood, Kurama.

Of course, Kurama wasn't a 100ft towering demon fox, he was the quantity of a big dog. His tails swayed, as he grinned creepily at the two kids, which made them both freeze.

"Kyuu! No scaring them!" Naruto criticized the big fox.

Kurama rolls his eyes and turns his attention to the 10-year-old and the 7-year-old.

"Alright bakas, listen up, I'll help you out" Kurama sighs, as he poofed into his human form.

Kurama had long, dull red hair, that was bound into the same ponytail as Itachi, his crimson red eyes gleamed. He had whiskers on his cheeks exactly like Naruto's, only they looked harsher. He wore a kimono, the top half, was a dark orange, and the bottom half was ordinary black. A katana was hanging off his kimono as well.

Naruto scratches the back of his head and laughed nervously. "Go easy on them Kurama"

Kurama smirked. "Okay~" the tone in Kurama's voice, made it obvious that he was lying.

The two boys gulped.


Naruto stood still as he watched the way Kurama taught them, and surprisingly it worked, they made progress.

Kurama jeopardized them a lot which resulted in them to start working harder. Kurama would warn them saying, he would plummet them into a hole crammed with spiders if they didn't make progress by the next 30 minutes. When Naruto first heard that he sweatdropped, cause he knew Kurama was serious.

Kurama never did that to Naruto, since he had a soft side for the blonde, but he wouldn't think twice if it was someone else, he didn't care how old they were.


Tsunade had received the letter from the uzukage, she read it.

She sighed as she finished reading the letter.  'I wont push the uzukage, we have a chunin exam, in 5 years, it may be long, but we'll invite the uzukage, then. (Since the attack on Konoha, the chunin exam, has been extended to a different day, and since parents were inconvenienced, Tsunade chose to have the chunin exam is 5 years.)

Tsunade grabbed a scroll, and began to write back.

I understand uzukage.
Konoha will host the chunin exams in 5 years, I hope you can come to the next chunin exams, it would be an honor to have the uzukage come.


Tsunade reread the letter, and sent it out, with her messenger bird.



The balloons burst, at the same time.

Tsuki and Taiyo both exclaim happily, after a few hours, they had finally done it.

Kurama smirks.

Naruto smiles. "Alright well done, you two, ready for step 2?"

Tsuki and Taiyo froze, they had forgotten there was another step.

Kurama smirks. "Get ready, the training is about to get harder."

Tsuki and Taiyo both gulped.

Naruto sighs.

"Alright let me explain the next step."

"You two must increase the volume and density of chakra you output. To help in this regard, I will be giving you a rubber ball. there is no water inside to help you burst the exterior and the rubber shell is thicker than a balloon's." Naruto explained.

"Understood?" Naruto knitted a brow.

The two boys gulped and nodded.

Naruto smiles. He lends them both a rubber ball.

"Begin" Naruto declared openly.

Tsuki and Taiyo both began to struggle and make the ball burst.

Kurama proceeded to threaten them once again, trying to get their enthusiasm up.

Konan, shun shined beside Naruto making the blonde jump.

"Naruto a message from the Hokage" Konan gave him the scroll.

"Thank you Konan, you may go." Naruto grabbed the scroll and smiled gently at her.

Konan smiled back before she shun shined away.

Kurama continued to scream at the two miserable boys, as Naruto unrolled the scroll and began to read it.

I understand uzukage.
Konoha will host the chunin exams in 5 years, I hope you can come to the next chunin exams, it would be an honor to have the uzukage come.


Naruto sighs. "Fine I'll go to the chunin exams." Naruto grumbled under his breath.

'To show off my strong shinobis' Naruto smirked.

"You bakas! If you don't concentrate it'll be harder for you two! You know what, I'm gonna try this." Kurama yelled at the two, and he grabbed onto the handle of his katana.

He pulled his katana out and put the katana up to the two miserable boys in a threatening way.

Naruto watched the scene unfold, and he sweatdropped. 'Oh kami, Kurama...' Naruto sighed.

"Try harder" Kurama authorized the two.

"Hai!" The two boys exclaim.

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