27 :: Jungkook's mistake

Start from the beginning

His mom being held hostage was more than enough for him. Another woman would be...


When Demian and you stepped out of the bar, Jungkook hid behind the bar's doors, not risking to make an exit in that moment. He needed to wait just a bit more till you both got farther away from the bar.

Demian pressed a button on his car's keys, the car lights flashing twice – meaning the car had just gotten unlocked.

Jungkook was still waiting, side eyeing the security cameras around the location. He knew each and every piece of recording equipment his boss owned like the back of his own hand.

When Demian laid you on the backseat, your dress rode up your thighs, exposing your skin to the cold air and a pair of malicious eyes.

Jungkook watched the scene unfold in front of his eyes, the ache to blow the man's brains out and get you out of there almost getting the best of him.

But control and self-restraint were something engraved in his being.

When he saw Demian get in the driver's seat, he knew it was his time to get his car and follow him from behind.

"Fuck." Jungkook cursed, remembering he got here on a motorcycle. Nothing more, nothing less.

Nonetheless, he got on the motorcycle, knowing he didn't have time to lose.

Speeding off, he made sure he kept a safe distance between the 2 vehicles, the little traffic making it harder to stay unnoticed.

"Where are you going?" he muttered, increasing the speed of the motorcycle. Suddenly, he felt a drop of water touch his hand. He looked up, a deafening sound of the thunder rumbling in the air.

"I gotta pull them over before the storm starts," he thought, knowing that driving through a storm on a motorcycle was practically death on two wheels.

Jungkook increased the speed even more, his motorcycle getting closer to the car you two were in. In a matter of seconds, Jungkook's motorcycle drove on the lane next to Demian's car.

Jungkook flashed his lights twice, trying to catch Demian's attention.

It was unsuccessful. Demian's eyes were glued onto the backseat - he wasn't paying attention to the road or the sudden storm that had started.

The rain was pattering against the car's windows and Jungkook's clothes were getting drenched, the only thing protecting him from the storm being the full-face helmet that also helped him mask his identity.

Jungkook flashed his lights 3 more times, his motorcycle getting dangerously close to the car.

When Demian finally took notice of the sudden chaos that was surrounding him, he looked out the window and was taken aback by the sudden proximity of the motorcycle next to his car, making him turn the steering wheel harder in order to avoid a potential hit.

Jungkook saw the sudden change of direction of the car and quickly drove away from the car, his motorcycle now driving on the lane in the opposite direction.

He did want to pull Demian over, but not cause a car crash, especially with you being inside.

Demian rolled down his window, shouting with anger filling his voice "Are you fucking insane?"

The storm was getting more violent with each second, the raindrops becoming heavier.

"Pull over. Now." Jungkook shouted, eyes fixed onto Demian and his steering wheel.

Jungkook's mistake.

He wasn't paying attention to the lane he was on and neither to the car that was going right his way.

A thunderous honk was all he heard before it all went pitch black.


💥 I LOVE THIS BOOK I SWEAR 😩💥 i finally got some time to write a chapter for you guys!!! can't believe school ends in like a week (fcking finally!!!)

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter like i did ^^

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