Peter and his boyfriend body-swapping

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Y/N walks away, leaving everyone surprise at what happened. One of them is MJ, who join up with Peter and Ned. "Is everything alright with Peter?"

Peter looks at her, knowing how bizarre seeing himself curse and kick someone in the nuts. "I don't know..."


Y/N calmed down after his assault against Flash. The rest of his friends ask him if he's alright, though Y/N merely dismisses them. Peter had a feeling he's going to be in trouble. Luckily, it's near the end of the school day. Y/N and MJ are in the Academic Decathlon club, training their knowledge.

"The printing process in which ink is forced into recessed lines is called...?"

MJ rings the bell. "Intaglio."

The teacher looks at 'Peter', who's half asleep. "Peter, you haven't been answering any questions. Are you feeling well?"

Y/N wakes up, making his eyes wide open. "Yeah, I'm alright!"

"Good. The next one is yours." The teacher responds. He looks towards the person who have been reading the questions.

"The Beatles had a minor crossover hit with the song 'Act Naturally', a piece popularized by which country singer/songwriter?"

Y/N doesn't even know how to answer. He thinks of a good answer and let out some thinking noises. He tries to make a good guess. "Kesha...?"


Peter has a club time as well. Y/N had joined the football club a few weeks ago, for 'different' reasons, as Y/N told Peter. Peter really doesn't like the thought being crushed by bigger guys but knows it's good for Y/N present at the club, even though it's Peter in Y/N body. Thus, he wears footballs clothes and is readying his position, which is defense. The person in front off him looks ruthless, making Peter nervous and gulps.

"Ready... start!" The coach blows his whistle.

The ball got passed down. Some of the football members immediately pushes each other. The person in front Peter runs towards him and pushes him down to the ground. First, Peter yelps, but then he begins freaking out. "Please get of from me! Please get off from me!"


It's the end of the week. Y/N and Peter are out of school, walking towards a allay way to change into their super-hero clothes. Peter has a bruise on his nose thanks to football practice.

"Why did you even join the football club? I never took it you liked it." Peter asks his boyfriend.

Y/N grins. "You know why."

Peter looks confuse at him. "No?"

Y/N chuckles. "Haven't you notice something on the football team." Both boys walk in a allay way. Peter still looks confuse at him. Y/N rolls his eyes. "Holy crap, you're oblivious." He mutters. "I'm talking about the guys. It's great to check them out."

Peter looks surprise at him. "What!? But we're together!"

"I know, don't worry." Y/N responds. "It's not cheating if you're just checking somebody out. I'm pretty sure you did too."

Peter blushes, but quickly tries to glare at his boyfriend. "N-no! I didn't!"

"Yeah, yeah." Both men are striping down from their clothes and begin to put on their superhero clothes. When done, Peter puts their clothes in a bag while Y/N is pushing the spider-man button to tighten the suit. "Holy- I forgot how tight this is." He checks out his boyfriend. "I prefer it when you ware it."

Peter chuckles. "Of course, you do."

Both men stand next to each other, readying their stroll around the city when Y/N realize something. "Uhh... I realize something. When we swap bodies, doesn't that mean we have each other powers?"

"Yeah, that makes sense." Peter responds. "Let me try one of your nuclear blasts." Peter put his hand towards a dumpster, though nothing happened. "How do you use your powers?"

Y/N sighs. "Let me try yours." He moves his hand towards the sky, trying to shoot out a spider web. "Go!" Y/N looks confuse; he tries again. "Let's go!" He tries again. "Webs!" But nothing happens. He stops trying and look at Peter. "I hate this."

"I'm glad you realize it." Peter responds. He feels tired after a week on Y/N's body.

Y/N then feels his phone vibrating through Peter's phone. He grabs it and see a message from Tony. He reads it. "A message from Tony. 'I got the machine working. Come to the tower.'"

Peter looks happily at him. "Thank god."


Y/N and Peter changed their clothes back to their own. They quickly go to the tower and go to Tony's lab. There they see Steve and a new machine with two chairs in front of it.

"Good evening Mr. Rogers. Do you know where Mr. Stark is?" Peter asks.

Steve smiles. "You're looking at him."

Both boys look surprise at him. "Tony?!"

"Yes." He laughs. "I needed a test subject, so I swapped bodies with Capsicle."

"And you didn't switch back?" Peter asks.

"Nope." Tony smiles. "Now, I can swear all the time and people will think it's all Cap. Hear this: fuck, cunt, bitch-"

"Can you switch us back?" Y/N interrupts him.

Tony sighs. "Fine, I swear after you two swapped backs." He turns towards the machine. "Go sit on the chairs. I will switch you two back to your own bodies."

Both boys sit on the chairs. Tony stand near the computer and turn on the machine. "Alright. You two will switch in 1... 2... 3!" The machine makes some strange noises like the last one. Y/N and Peter closes their eyes. After 5 seconds, the noises stops and both boys open their eyes.

Y/N looks back at his hands. "I'm back!" He stands up.

Peter smiles at his boyfriend. He quickly stands up and his hugs his boyfriend. "I'm glad we're back."

They stop hugging a look at Tony, who is smiling proudly. "Don't you need to thank somebody?"

From behind his back, Peter and Y/N see 'Tony' walking in, looking pisses at Tony. Tony turns around and looks like he have been caught. "Tony, put me back in my own body!"

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